Sorry if i'm asking in the wrong place, but I was just hoping that people who are interested in cooking would know the answer to this.
I am having a big bbq soon, and I want something cheap to keep flys out of the food thats not as annoying and easily mangled as cling film. I remember a long time ago seeing some bowl/plate covers that were kind of like cellophane with elastic on them, but I have been looking everywhere and can't find anything like it. Does anyone know where I can get these? An online store would be good, but i'll take whatever help I can get.
Mar 2, 6:13pm
I remember seeing some in one of those Dollar Save type shops. Also, Try the Supermarket, I have a feeling GLAD make them too.
Mar 2, 6:32pm
Excellent, I looked at the warehouse but didn't think of that kind of store, will look this arvo, I am going to the supermarket on the weekend to so I will look there. Thanks :) Just kind of started worrying they didn't exist anymore when I couldn't find any trace of them in the warehouse or online haha
Mar 2, 6:33pm
Yip Pak n Save have them,were all the other GLAD products are.They are so good.
Mar 2, 6:35pm
If all else fails, a shower cap does the job:)
Mar 2, 7:07pm
Yes, Glad make them - usually sold in supermarkets near their storage containers, beside the foil, lunch-wrap, baking paper section..
Mar 2, 7:12pm
I was going to suggest shower caps too!
Mar 2, 9:17pm
I buy them often at the local $2 shop, *elliehen I have done the opposite and used one as a shower cap. worked a treat lol*
Mar 3, 1:05am
Thanks everyone :) I looked at the local $2 shop today and there were none there, but I saw the shower caps and had the same thought LOL. I am going to look for the glad ones at the supermarket first, but will keep the shower caps in mind.
Mar 3, 3:58am
shower caps last longer and can be washed the glad wrap ones only last a few times.Buy the shower caps in packets of 8 from the 2.00 shops
Mar 3, 4:47am
try platic box or what ever its called now in your area. I picked some up there a while back for camping.
Mar 3, 6:09pm
Sorry if i'm asking in the wrong place, but I was just hoping that people who are interested in cooking would know the answer to this.
I am having a big bbq soon, and I want something cheap to keep flys out of the food thats not as annoying and easily mangled as cling film. I remember a long time ago seeing some bowl/plate covers that were kind of like cellophane with elastic on them, but I have been looking everywhere and can't find anything like it. Does anyone know where I can get these! An online store would be good, but i'll take whatever help I can get.
Mar 3, 6:32pm
Excellent, I looked at the warehouse but didn't think of that kind of store, will look this arvo, I am going to the supermarket on the weekend to so I will look there. Thanks :) Just kind of started worrying they didn't exist anymore when I couldn't find any trace of them in the warehouse or online haha
Mar 3, 7:07pm
Yes, Glad make them - usually sold in supermarkets near their storage containers, beside the foil, lunch-wrap, baking paper section.
Mar 3, 9:55pm
$2 shop ones are all different colors and they do look like shower caps!! The ones I have seen come in different sizes:)
Mar 3, 9:56pm
The glad ones are great come in different sizes for different size bowls and containers.
Mar 4, 3:58am
shower caps last longer and can be washed the glad wrap ones only last a few times.Buy the shower caps in packets of 8 from the 2.00 shopsif you need bigger ones buy 2.00 shower curtains and get some one to sew them for you just cutting out and sewing elastic round the edges.very easy to make.I make the smaller ones as well so I dont buy the shower caps any more get heaps more out of a shower curtain
Jun 5, 2:51am
$2 shop ones are all different colors and they do look like shower caps! The ones I have seen come in different sizes:)
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