ive always just eaten them of the trees but the inlaws tree is loaded and i just happened to beat the birds! and have brought home about 3kgs worth...some arent quite ripe so is there a way to ripen them safely? with fig jam to i have to feel them?
Feb 24, 11:01pm
omg i adore figs, i believe there is a nice one where you cut the tops drizzle with honey and bake then serve - but i would eat them raw ormake fig and ginger jam....hmmm baked with ginger maybe
Feb 24, 11:06pm
that exact dessert is the reason i got them......ive seen it on too many sky tv chef type programs with it on that i cant help myself...
Feb 25, 1:24am
Oh yum! I love fresh figs but don't get them in Wellington
Feb 25, 10:48pm
Found this while I was looking for something else in the long chutney/relish thread :)
Feb 25, 11:00pm
roast the figs in caramel sauce then, using a flan tin line it with sweet pastry, blind bake, and fill with walnut paste then put caramel figs on top bake and when remved from oven pour liquid dark chocolate over it!
Feb 26, 3:46am
the above recipe is lovely.....I also add a piece of blue cheese with the figs..........yummy
Feb 26, 4:00am
Can you please be specific about quantities and the method?Sounds worth following up.
Feb 27, 2:34am
I usually push a piece of blue vein cheese into the bottom of the fig - there is a convenient hole already. Then wrap the fig in a slice of smoked bacon and sit it into a baking dish. Drizzle with a bit of balsamic and roast in the oven. The figs are sweet enough, honey would make it far too sweet for me. The vinegar is very nice though.
Feb 27, 2:39am
mmm...baked apples stuffed with figs is delicious too
Feb 27, 3:07am
We have a lot of figs at the moment and one of the most delicious ways of eating them is to add some to a Greek salad.About 8 fresh figs, quartered, for a two person salad.We had this tonight with some baked snapper and it was lovely.
Feb 27, 3:51am
Thanks....love all these figgy ideas.Wish I had my own tree, but I know where to beg or barter :)
Feb 27, 4:09am
i ended up stewing them with some ginger and had the on icecream for pud and froze some of the mix to add to a apple pie in winter, saved 8 to drizzle with honey and bake ;)
Feb 27, 7:08pm
I also do a side dish with halved figs simmered in their own juice in a very flat pan for a few minutes - and served topped with some chilli powder and balsamic vinegar.
Feb 27, 11:53pm
Someone recently posted about stuffing them with nuts. Can't remember whether it was almonds, brazil, walnuts or hazelnuts.
Feb 28, 12:45am
Check the gardening thread,figs are discussed there as well
Feb 28, 2:40am
Tonight I made a salad of fresh figs, red onion and blue cheese, with a mustard and garlic vinaigrette.It was wonderful.
May 27, 7:02am
Now I am hungry again ...
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