Shrimp cocktail

skippy33, Feb 19, 7:52am
hubby just been in tahiti for work,had shrimp cocktail for starter at dinner time,loved it,now wants me to make them,lol,anyone got a good recipe,also he had chinese marinated fish loved that also,cheers.

kinna54, May 2, 9:50am
They are pretty easy, they just consist really of Ice cold shrimps(well washed there is nothing worse than a gritty shrimp) over a bed ofshredded lettuce (iceberg is best as its crunchier). and drizzled generously with thousand island dressing.layer in a tall glass.
*Edmonds book* has a good thousand island recipe or you can buy pre bottled or lots of supermarkets havegreat thousand island dressing in the fresh chilled sections.