Richard Tills Latest Advert - Mozzarella, Ricotta

shop-a-holic, Feb 11, 5:37am
Just having a rant here. Why should we be offered to buy Imported Mozzarella, Ricotta and Mascarpone cheeses, in plastic containers?
I'm shocked that Richard Till would endorse products which have more Airpoints than him. But then again, he is so strapped to a foodchain retailer owned by Australians he may not have had a choice.
Shop smarter everyone......New Zealand cheese producers (esp artisan ones) require our support for fresher and homegrown products.
Further more, it's about time we either support local or make it ourselves.
{just having a peeve}

lee6688, Feb 11, 5:38am
+1 Always support local if you can.

shop-a-holic, Feb 11, 5:41am
And when you start making it yourself, you then grow an appreciation for the time, methodology and management skills it takes.
Shop local everyone :-)

pickles7, Apr 10, 12:03pm
lol, as I sit here smelling my wine vinegar brewing away. I just love making sauces and pickles, using my own vinegars.