Have you tried Homebrand Gingernuts?

vintagekitty, Feb 7, 11:17pm
I bought a packet to make a cheesecake base, omg they are the nicest (and cheapest lol ) biscuits ive bought for ages. They taste like real ginger! and at $1.29 on special, you cant go wrong. Now making base with not so nice biscuits

indy95, Feb 7, 11:29pm
Thank you for letting us know vintagekitty. I looked at them In Countdown but have been disappointed so many times by bought gingernuts I usually make my own. Will give them a try soon.

vintagekitty, Feb 7, 11:33pm
great:), they are not hard, if you know what I mean, but taste so good!

samboy, Feb 8, 12:53am
Everyone in our family loves thehomebrand gingernuts, they are easy for the kids to eat without just about breaking their teeth like the other brands.

supercook, Feb 8, 1:16am
I will be buying some now. Thanks for that. I also love the Homebrand tomato paste it is so cheap always have couple of jars in the pantry.

maynard9, Feb 8, 1:27am
I used them recently as a cheesecake base and was very impressed.Very gingery, easy to smash and everyone kept asking me what the lovely base was.

gardie, Feb 8, 6:08am
Not homebrand but budget - and they were gross.Never again

ubuthebirman, Feb 8, 6:57am
I buy Countdown own brand gingernuts all the time & agree with vintagekitty they are value for money, nice & gingery & sugery on top.
Don't have to 'dunk' ! Iv'e even used them in ginger truffles instead of the usual wine biscuits ground up. Also buy the 'chocolate sandwich' biscuits, Countdown brand again , cheaper than Tim Tams.

dezzie, Feb 8, 7:19am
I got some couplands ones a while back and they were nice as well, but thanks for the homebrand advice as well, we don't buy bikkies very often, but thats good to know.

korbo, Feb 9, 5:53pm
love couplands, but we dont have them here in H>B> have to stock up when visiting family in blenheim. they are a lovely large size and not too hard.

greerg, Feb 10, 6:58am
Thanks VK.When I was young there was a brand of ginger biscuits that were less hard than the Griffins ones and I loved them.Eating a Griffins one nowadays would be very costly in terms of the dentist's bill so I will certainly try these ones.

psy-trading, Feb 10, 7:50am
I was wondering about Griffins Gingernuts. I hadn't eaten them for a few years but I bought some late last year and just thought my older teeth couldn't 'hack' it with Gingernuts anymore.

psy-trading, Feb 15, 2:23am
Thumbs up!They're more like Spice biscuits with the cinnamon in them but they're still yum.

sighkick, Apr 20, 11:13am
Thought the hardness of the gingernut was a non issue because most people dunk them?

I am not a dunker, but figured most others were - how wrong can I be?