HUNGI time

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darlingmole, Feb 6, 8:33pm
We do hangi in crockpot, put layer of halved peeled potatoes on base of crockpot, add your slab of meat. pack all your other roast vegies in around meat cover with either watercress or thick pile cabbage leaves, careful they dont touch sides or will burn,make pile homemade stuffing and cover and pack it down and cook from about 9am in morning, add no water or anything as the meet and vegies create their own juices .Yum.

Quotetania007 (2582 )7:35 pm, Tue 7 Sep #3

has also been suggested to add "liquid smoke" whatever that is! for a more authentic flavour - hope this helps you anyway

lx4000, Feb 6, 8:54pm
Having tea tree and enough of and the right stones!

its the magic of the right timing toos!

mwood, Feb 6, 10:51pm
nope - more of a steam up :-)

daleaway, Feb 6, 10:58pm
Hangi cooking is steam cooking - similar to microwave, except hangi works from the outside in and microwave from the inside out.

uli, Feb 6, 11:00pm
Plus real hangi also has some woodsmoke taste.
Hard to do in a crockpot - except if you buy artificial smoke flavour.

elliehen, Feb 7, 3:47am
But pronounced 'hungi' ;)

buzzy110, Feb 7, 3:58am
As the 'a' vowel in Maori is pronounced 'a' as in "amiss - short or,a as in father - long" and 'u' is as in put - short, or as in food - long then hungi would be pronounced hoongi or hawngi.

No harm in showing the poster the correct spelling.

v8sronman, Feb 7, 4:36am
Are you sure !"

imn, Feb 7, 5:22am
well first you'd be learning how to spell it.

shazzadude1, Feb 7, 5:27am
No it isn't, as per Buzzy's post.

buzzy110, Feb 7, 5:49am
That is correct shazzadude. the long 'a' is used so it is pronounced h'ar'ngi with a very light 'ng' sound. The final vowel is pronounced 'e' as in pet or fed, take your pick. But most people, Maori included prouounce it ee as in feed and to do that they make the 'g' sound more pronounced.

elliehen, Feb 7, 7:09am
hangi schmangi, hungi schmungi.

How about those linguistic 'experts' coming in with some ideas on how to cook one!

hezwez, Feb 7, 7:45am
Try this site v8sronman, it's very comprehensive and accurate.

elliehen, Feb 7, 8:09am
I'm hung[r]i now ;)

p_rock, Feb 7, 8:13am
isn't that just a boilup! lol.

buzzy110, Feb 7, 10:55am
Yes it is but don't tell them that because they fondly think of it as hangi food and who are we to burst their bubble!

elliehen, Feb 7, 11:37am
Looks as though your answer's here v8sronman :)

rainrain1, Feb 7, 7:46pm