How much would you charge a family member for board?She is on an invalids benefit as she is a little bit learning disabled, but volunteers in two different places, for a couple of days a weeek so she is contributing to the community.She will be sharing in household tasks, so it's not like having a stranger, and it isn't about making a profit,but I do need money for exra food, power etc.
Can I have your thoughts please? I posted here rather than General as many here are used to budgetting for a family - I'm not. Also I trust people on Recipes not to use this as an excuse to bash beneficiaries.She is definitely *NOT* a bludger, but sometimes needs a little help thinking things through.
Thanks for your ideas.
Feb 4, 2:43am
Will there just be you and her in the house calista?
If so, then perhaps 40% of the food and 25% of the power and see what figure that gets you, if she is going to help around the house.A lot would depend on how much benefit she receives, I have no idea whether that is enough to live on or just a basic allowance,
Feb 4, 2:44am
I guess then you just need to ask if she is a big eater or not?
At a guess I'd say $80 would cover food/power etc...if it were a guy on the other hand, I wouldn't charge less that $120 for a family member:)
Feb 4, 2:50am
I would take into account her income, if you know what it is you can then work back from there and make it fair for you both.As much as you don't want to profit... you also don't want to be subsidising her either.
Feb 4, 3:02am
What about trying to work out the actual cost of having her there for a week compared with just being on your own as a base line.Power probably only $10-$12 per week if she is not using extra heating (mostly just showers, a load or two of extra washing and some lighting.Food you could probably just charge what you spend on yourself unless she eats a lot more or less than you. Cleaners, loo paper etc. maybe half again what you spend now.Then if you want to add a contribution towards baseline bills you could think about what that should be in percentage terms given her income.
Feb 4, 3:08am
Yeah, the subsidising/profit balance is a dificulty.I checked the WINZ site and she will be getting $242.63 a week after tax with an additional $4.80 a week which ceases in March (to allow for the increase in GST).
Feb 4, 3:11am
Could you discuss it with other family members?Depends how close the relation is to you.
It is a difficult one - depends on so many things.
Feb 4, 3:57am
calista, I'm having a 'wee think' and will come back to you with any ideas that strike me!
Feb 4, 4:07am
I would think depending on her other out goings that between $80-$100 p week would be acceptable. If you want to charge closer to $120 then give her a letter to take to winz regarding how much board she will be paying (we used to put x amount for full board and lodgings on the letter). She will then be entitled to some accomodation support from them, not much but it will off set what she will be paying out to you.
Feb 4, 11:55am
As far as I can tell from the WINZ website she would be entitled to an accommodation supplement if 62% of her board is over $61 so if she is paying over around $100 she can get an accommodation supplement.
I've been negotiating invalid benefit entitlements recently and she may also be entitled to a disability allowance if she has extra costs (medical costs, transport etc)
Feb 4, 12:50pm
I also think (for what its worth) that morally she should be paying a portion of rent or mortgage if you do.I know she is family but in life I always think things should be win/win.If she is not paying anything towards the roof she is living under then its a huge win for her and none to you.
Feb 4, 2:10pm
I have a daughter on a disalilty benefit and she pays $100 a week.
Feb 4, 2:13pm
Another thing you could consider... again working backwards, if you charge her say $100, that would leave her $140 for weekly living.. after all bills are paid... do you have that?
Feb 4, 2:43pm
Thankfully the house is freehold - I knew all that scrimping and saving in the would pay off in some way.
Olwen and cgvl Thanks for the info regarding benefits.
Feb 4, 2:49pm
Another thing to consider is where would she live if not with you, and how much would that cost.
Feb 4, 4:06pm
Its really your call $200 is real world price covering cost and a little for you if it was a stranger. $0 if it was your child you were rich and they weren't so you need to decide where somewhere between the two is fair for you and the boarder remembering for most people if its too cheap they won't feel like they are contributing so will feel uncomfortable whereas too much and you affect thier enjoyment of life outside the home maybe its best to sit down and discuss. We board family members studying at nearby university sometimes and they contribute $100 everyone is happy.
Feb 4, 5:55pm
we've had international students boarding over the years and they pay $200-$220 per week, for full board.For family we charged $90 per wk rent, incl power etc and they wanted to cook for themselves.For me, if wanting to help a family member, I'd just be covering costs, and allow a little extra for price increases over the year, ... you don't want to be putting up the price all the time, so if you review once every 1-2 years, then a little higher than cost now might be a little lower than cost this time next year, but you both have a fixed amount for the year coming that you can budget too.
Feb 4, 6:13pm
I've been happy with $80.00 when boarding a family member - and they do helpful things like whole-house vacuuming, clearing roof gutters etc!
They've usually been here only short-term to save for something important.
Feb 5, 3:40am
If I could get someone who cleaned the guttering they could have 50% off for that week - I don't do ladders.
Feb 5, 4:46am
ah calista I am the same. I dont do ladders or stools or chairs. DH has to get up on the bench to clean kitchen windows and deep sill because I cant reach. If I can reach it with both feet firmly planted on the floor well and good otherwise tough.
Feb 5, 4:50am
Wouldn't charge over $100. More likely go with $80 - $90.
Feb 5, 4:06pm
My niece lives with us she pays $140 per week, for everything. Meals cooked, washing done -everything. She has the downstairs area, which has a bedroom and a lounge area.
Feb 5, 4:11pm
I think $140 is fair as well.
Mar 28, 1:41am
Have just told my daughter and partner that I'd want $200 for them to come and live with us providing they help out with some groceries.OR $250 for them both including everything.They are currently paying $310 just for rent.It is therefore a great deal for them and will help us with paying the expenses.They would help around the house, just as I would expect - everyone needs to share keeping the communal areas clean and tidy.
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