Anyone here ever bottled trout or salmon, I have a couple of recipes, but there are certain things not overly clear, so I hoped someone could fill in the questions I have.
Feb 3, 4:13am
Aunt Daisy says Skin & fillet fish; cut into suitably sized pieces, sprinkle with salt & a little sugar. Pack into jars with a generous lump of butter in each jar. No moisture. The butter makes a covering for the fish when cooked. Stand jars in a vessel of water & sterilise. Screw lids on tightly as soon as cooked & leave to cool in vessel. Next day sterilise again without loosening the lids & again cool in the vessel. Tighten lids as much as possible
If your questions havent been answered above, ask away.
Feb 3, 8:19pm
Hi Patxyz Some recipes state screw lids on tight, others say loosen quarter turn. Again some say cover jars completely with water. It seemed to make sense to me not to tighten lids until finished cooking, however I covered with water and I think as the air expanded and escaped, it was replaced with some of the water. I opened a bottle today ( been 2 months) and bones soft etc I do think water got in as a little bland. Is there much liquid in your bottles when cooked ? I did get basic recipe from link mentioned
Feb 4, 5:49pm
I do my fish in a pressure cooker and cover the jars with water. The lids are screwed on tight(ish).
Cant say I have noticed water getting in, all the water in the jars look like they are at the same level as when I filled them.
As for bland, I dont know, mine taste OK (I guess because I am on a low sodium diet.'Supermarket' tinned fish is a bit too salty for my liking).
Mar 14, 7:42pm
I'd like to catch a Trout first. Does anyone remember the spiral green sinkers that you could simply twirl onto your line? They looked like a stretched out pen spring with lead around it. I want to get hold of some and can't find any.
Mar 14, 9:37pm
Bottled Trout. If you like skin removed - pour boiling water over trout and peel skin. Cut into steaks (leave bone in). Pack into jars, leave one inch from top. Add 1tsp plain salt, 1 tbsp vinegar to each jar. Seal and screw down tightly. Put jars into pot and cover with water. Boil 3 hrs - keep covered with water. Leave for 1 month before eating. Keeps for a very long time!
This recipe was in the latest magazine put out by the trout fishing club I belong to.Haven't tried it yet but looks worth giving it a go. I'm wondering about cutting down the long boiling time by using my pressure cooker.
Mar 15, 7:42pm
I'd like to catch a Trout first. Does anyone remember the spiral green sinkers that you could simply twirl onto your line! They looked like a stretched out pen spring with lead around it. I want to get hold of some and can't find any.
Mar 15, 9:37pm
Bottled Trout. If you like skin removed - pour boiling water over trout and peel skin. Cut into steaks (leave bone in). Pack into jars, leave one inch from top. Add 1tsp plain salt, 1 tbsp vinegar to each jar. Seal and screw down tightly. Put jars into pot and cover with water. Boil 3 hrs - keep covered with water. Leave for 1 month before eating. Keeps for a very long time!
This recipe was in the latest magazine put out by the trout fishing club I belong to.Haven't tried it yet but looks worth giving it a go. I'm wondering about cutting down the long boiling time by using my pressure cooker.
Hi Patxyz Some recipes state screw lids on tight, others say loosen quarter turn. Again some say cover jars completely with water. It seemed to make sense to me not to tighten lids until finished cooking, however I covered with water and I think as the air expanded and escaped, it was replaced with some of the water. I opened a bottle today ( been 2 months) and bones soft etc I do think water got in as a little bland. Is there much liquid in your bottles when cooked ! I did get basic recipe from link mentioned
Jun 22, 10:45pm
I do my fish in a pressure cooker and cover the jars with water. The lids are screwed on tight(ish).
Cant say I have noticed water getting in, all the water in the jars look like they are at the same level as when I filled them.
As for bland, I dont know, mine taste OK (I guess because I am on a low sodium diet.'Supermarket' tinned fish is a bit too salty for my liking).
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