Vgels original mixed grain not the same?

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karenz, Jan 29, 11:36pm
Bought some yesterday and I am sure it is not the same as it used to be when it first came it, I am sure it was a lot darker and a lot more moist and springy and with a lot more grain.Now it is pale, dry and bland and has hardly any texture and very few grains.

buzzy110, Jan 30, 12:36am
Totally agree. Once upon a time, way back in the mists of time, when it first came out and you could still buy half size loaves, it was more like pumpernickel - wet and chewy, whereas now it has become more like their other flavoured breads which are just crap, but still slightly better than other commercial loaves.

So I voted with my pocket.

pickles7, Jan 30, 1:28am
So I voted with my pocket.

Quotebuzzy110 (64 )1:36 pm, Sun 30 Jan #2

Same, I have voted with my pocket as well.

karenz, Jan 30, 6:09am
I only voted with my pocket yesterday because it was down to under three dollars, won't be making that mistake again.I am not really a big fan of bread but wanted something like the way I remembered Volgels, yes a bit like pumpernickel with grains.I think the McKenzie brand is good for a commercial bread but still nothing like Vogels back when it was good.

calista, Jan 30, 9:41am
I bought it recently (no Burgen left) and won't be doing so again - it was awful.

snipz, Jan 30, 5:36pm
Definitely agree with the other posters.The "old" Vogels took forever to toast, not anymore.

korbo, Jan 30, 6:38pm
i also agree, vogels aint what it used to be....just cant figure out why companies do this to our food. eg...round wine biscuits are now like dog biscuits. so horrid.....

pickles7, Jan 30, 6:56pm
I agree. you must read the list of ingredients too. Beef fat is creeping in, as is palm oil [vegetable oil].

magenta, Jan 30, 8:49pm
I would imagine the change is about lowering the cost. I used to buy Vogels bread but once it went up to over $5 a loaf I stopped buying and so probably did a lot of others. Now they are lowering the price but the quality has lowered as well.I think there is now little competition in the bread market as most of the bread is being made by a couple of large manufacturers who are trying to keep the profits up.We are slowly losing bread choices as low volume selling "brands" are dropped by the big companies.

pickles7, Feb 5, 4:45am
7 Seeded bread

I have just cooked a nice loaf. I started it in the bread maker and finished it in my oven.
2 teaspoons of flax seeds soaked in 2 Tbsp boiling water, left to cool.
I put into the bread maker
3 cups of flour
1 cup of, seven seed grain mix [pak n save]
2 Tbsp milk powder
1&1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp sugar
2 Tbsp soft butter
1 tsp bread improver
3 tsp dried sure to rise yeast
350 mils of warm water..
It is now I put the flax seeds in.
Set the bread maker to seeded bread and let it knead and rise once.
I then took the dough out, shaped it, put it into the bread tin, oiled the top and left it for 1 hour in the airing cupboard covered with a damp cloth.
I baked it @ 220%C for 15 minutes, turned the tin, baked a further 15 minutes, turned the oven down to 180%C for a further 15 minutes. To finish it off I removed the loaf from the tin and gave it 5 minutes so the bottom reached the same colour as the top.
It is a very nice loaf, tasty. Looks just like the whole grain bread you buy, just tastes better

mottly, Feb 5, 4:47am
vogels 12grains is the best one :)

martine5, Feb 5, 4:57am
Palm oil, as I understand it, is the most evil of oils that isn't friggin lard.I buy vogels because I am trying to look after my weigt and buy high fibre.There is no need for either beef fat or palm oil in bread and I am off to the freezer now.If I see either I am never buying the bread i have been loyal to for years ever agan.Thanks Pickles7

elliehen, Feb 5, 10:49am
If you ever buy pastry, check out the animal fat and other nasties there too before you buy.

Choose the Edmonds called Butter Puff, which appears to have only butter as its shortening.

buzzy110, Feb 6, 2:23am
Go take a peek at the "Geez... This White Bread Is Awful" thread. Near the bottom of the postings uli has posted the description of exactly how bread is made and why bread now has fats and all that sort of stuff in it, that really have no place in bread.

elliehen, Feb 6, 4:04am
Quicker if you go straight to the source and do your own editing.

jubellsrose, Feb 6, 5:30am
I agree about the Vogels now awful.I have always bought V original. Now the change is dryer,thinner.

karenz, Jan 30, 6:09am
I only voted with my pocket yesterday because it was down to under three dollars, won't be making that mistake again.I am not really a big fan of bread but wanted something like the way I remembered Volgels, yes a bit like pumpernickel with grains.I think the McKenzie brand is good for a commercial bread but still nothing like Vogels back when it was good.

calista, Jan 30, 9:41am
I bought it recently (no Burgen left) and won't be doing so again - it was awful.

korbo, Jan 30, 6:38pm
i also agree, vogels aint what it used to be.just cant figure out why companies do this to our food. eg.round wine biscuits are now like dog biscuits. so horrid.

pickles7, Feb 4, 7:13pm
I made this bread over the last two days, well worth the time without effort.

red2, Feb 4, 7:28pm
Yes , changed from Vogels to Burgen now

petal1955, Feb 4, 9:30pm
Try Signature Soya & Linseed bread from Countdown.far better than Vogels and a lot cheaper

olwen, Feb 4, 9:40pm
We've bought this and love it.

pickles7, Feb 5, 4:45am
7 Seeded bread

I have just cooked a nice loaf. I started it in the bread maker and finished it in my oven.
2 teaspoons of flax seeds soaked in 2 Tbsp boiling water, left to cool.
I put into the bread maker
3 cups of flour
1 cup of, seven seed grain mix [pak n save]
2 Tbsp milk powder
1&1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp sugar
2 Tbsp soft butter
1 tsp bread improver
3 tsp dried sure to rise yeast
350 mils of warm water.
It is now I put the flax seeds in.
Set the bread maker to seeded bread and let it knead and rise once.
I then took the dough out, shaped it, put it into the bread tin, oiled the top and left it for 1 hour in the airing cupboard covered with a damp cloth.
I baked it @ 220%C for 15 minutes, turned the tin, baked a further 15 minutes, turned the oven down to 180%C for a further 15 minutes. To finish it off I removed the loaf from the tin and gave it 5 minutes so the bottom reached the same colour as the top.
It is a very nice loaf, tasty. Looks just like the whole grain bread you buy, just tastes better

martine5, Feb 5, 4:57am
Palm oil, as I understand it, is the most evil of oils that isn't friggin lard.I buy vogels because I am trying to look after my weigt and buy high fibre.There is no need for either beef fat or palm oil in bread and I am off to the freezer now.If I see either I am never buying the bread i have been loyal to for years ever agan.Thanks Pickles7