Went to the market this morning

motorbo, Jan 15, 3:43pm
now thats what i call value for money, a tray of farm eggs for 6 bucks! apple cucumbers for 50 cents, bages of fresh as falelosa (SP) beans for 2 dollars, they are my fave beans! i got heaps and the fridge is full as!anyone else go to a market regularly? what bargins do you get?

uli, Jan 15, 3:54pm
The "bargins" on those markets is either that the stuff is old (and came from a wholesaler in the first place) - or that it is from genuine small scale growers who cannot sell their stuff at the price it has cost them to produce it because of cheap Chinese imports pushing their prices down.

I never ever go for bargains on our market - but I know stall holders that will grow everything organically and I pay their prices year round so that they can make enough profit to stay in the business of supplying me with what I cannot produce myself.

That is what I call fair trade.
"Bargins" is not what I am after when I go shopping on a market.

buzzy110, Jan 15, 4:07pm
Better watch out motorbo, nutty people like me go to markets all the time. You should ask yourself if they are a safe place for someone as serene and well balanced as yourself?

ironwoman2007, Jan 15, 4:10pm
cool motorbr, what town?

elliehen, Jan 15, 4:36pm
Some shoppers who are feeding children don't have the luxury of applying their idealistic notions of fair trade 100% of the time.

It often has to be enough that the grower gets something rather than nothing, and the buyer gets to put a meal on the table.

buzzy110, Jan 15, 4:49pm
For what it is worth, the bargains at the markets may not necessarily be the price but the freshness, goodness and tastiness of the products bought. I think that if my purchased vegetables are fresher, by days, than that bought in the shops and will last longer in the fridge in good, healthy looking condition, then I have snagged myself a bargain.

I like buying fresh oils from the olive tree man, freshly made cheeses from the recent Italian migrant who get fresh, unpasteurised milk from the farm and makes cheese with it, organic pate's and meat products from the French chef who uses only traditional recipes and curing and, of course fruit and veges that were picked the afternoon before market.

buzzy110, Jan 15, 5:01pm
Then there are the foods that cannot be bought in the supermarket or fruit shop. Always there are a few items that are never sold by the 'big buck' shops because they don't make bucketloads of money from them. If they do sell them, they price them in the luxury goods range, and they are usually so 'dead and mangy' looking from languishing, undesired on shelves, that you wouldn't want to buy them anyway.

Being able to buy these rare foods, super fresh, from the markets is a bargain too, especially if I can't grow them due to conditions or lack of knowledge.

bedazzledjewels, Jan 15, 6:18pm
Buzzy - which is your favourite Auckland market?

uli, Jan 15, 6:19pm
Good luck in the long run - those "farmers" and their "bargins" won't last long - I am in that game for over 20 years and know that YOU will lose out at the end - just as much as the farmers do (most of them loose their land and house too ...)- but yeah - go for it... and I include the (+1 person) here ...

buzzy110, Jan 15, 6:52pm
I go to the French Market in Parnel and the Clevedon Market in Clevedon when I go to the market. There is a Farmers' Market behind the old Blind Institute in Newmarket on Saturday morning as well.

But Ak has tons of them. My daughter keeps asking me to go to the Oratia one with her. Must do that one day. I've been to the Matakana one sometimes too. And one day, I swear I'm going to the granddaddy and reputed best, of all Farmers' Markets, Whangarei. Will have to get up at 3am to go to that but I'm keen as mustard to do it.

lythande1, Jan 15, 7:39pm
Wow. What spite. Or stupidity.
Don't know about hers, but some of the markets here it's people with home gardens selling stuff.
And then there are the fruit and vege places here, yep, they do grow it themselves and seem to do very nicely, certainly not flogging it off below cost just because the supermarkets have over the top mark ups.
We who like fresh and cheap will continue to go there, you go support your australian supermarket.

buzzy110, Jan 15, 7:52pm
No it isn't spite lythande. It is just the presentation of the facts. uli was a vendor at markets for many years and actually knows what goes on behind the scenes. And uli would never support Aussie supermarkets if there was a market around, anymore that you would. Though, we do go to supermarkets for other things anyway.

I believe that prices at growers markets are slightly lower because of lower overheads but the real bargains are the fact that the produce is fresher than in the shops.

But what is the point of a growers' market/farmers' market if no vendors come to sell their wares because it is does not make economic sense? Even agriculturalists have a right to earn a living.

motorbo, Jan 15, 8:21pm
some are always quick to judge

the parnell market is great, i go to the local markets in Tauranga as well as the farmers market, where they all grow or make it themselves, as to the fruit and vege, the freshness is there i stirfryed some asian veges for lunch today ......so yes i can actaully agree with some things you say buzzy!!!

cgvl, Jan 15, 8:35pm
motorbo, we get farm fresh eggs (reputable supplier) for $6 a tray as well and they are either 6's or jumbos. Got some from an egg farm a few weeks ago, as we were passing and I needed some, they were not as nice and the yolks were very pale. The ones from the market have lovely dark yellow yolks and I can get free range as well as organic ones.
Our fruit and veg sellers tend to be similar in price to the supermarkets, so not as good for the budget conscious. In saying that, there are one or two, I more often than not buy from, as I know where they get their produce and it is definately home grown albeit on a commercial basis.

wildflower, Jan 15, 8:42pm
Dunedin has an awesome one at the railway station, went last Feb when on holiday, as I live in the north island though just a tad far to visit again.Heaps of breads and meats as well as fresh produce and preserves etc.

darlingmole, Jan 15, 10:06pm
I'm so lucky ~ live about 15 mins from Kumeu and Hobsonville so am able to get cheap locally grown produce ... mostly at the shops but sometimes at the gate for REALLY cheap prices!I think Uli is a very supportive person who cares about everyone, not just health and recipes but also about people trying to make an honest living.I support local business even if they're a bit pricier than the big chain shops because otherwise the little "man" will miss out altogether.

vintagekitty, Jan 15, 10:10pm
It is great, I buy pretty much everything there, flowers, cheese, meat and vege and the best flans, tortes and cheesecakes ever!

elliehen, Jan 15, 10:42pm
Country folk are fortunate in that wherever they drive there's usually a farm gate with produce on offer.I feel lucky too that I can buy fresh produce where it's grown.

chicco2, Jan 16, 1:44am
Yes elliehen, we are very lucky here.

elliehen, Jan 16, 2:03am

dezzie, Feb 5, 12:54pm
We sure are.
Theres not much we can't get at stalls if you know where to go, plus flipping near EVERYTHING will grow here. :)))