
kitcheno, Jan 11, 11:41am
Any hints for hot smoking this or any fish?

daisyk, Jan 11, 1:16pm
cover the kawahai really well with brown sugar - very, very delicious

dezzie, Jan 11, 1:41pm
we used to cover them with an equal mix of brown sugar and common salt, leave 12 hours, give the brine a quick wash off or its to salty, then smoke.
Good luck, smoked kahawai is lovely, makes an excellent salad with some leaves and lots of tomato

davidt4, Jan 11, 2:06pm
We use equal quantities of salt, sugar and Bourbon, leave it on for 5 - 12 hours, wash and pat dry.This cure is also great for trevally and salmon.

beaker59, Jan 11, 4:58pm
Above posts have pretty much covered the process/

Kahawai is a highly underated fish I reckon, there are some tricks though if you are going to fry the big ones then a good idea is to cut the fillets into portion pieces then soak them in Milk for a few hours or up to overnight in the fridge then pat dry and cook like any other fillet.

pickles7, Jan 11, 5:25pm
You are so right.... nothing like a fresh one, bled and fried in butter.

jag5, Jan 12, 2:12am
Bleed, fillet.....place in roasting dish, dice onion and add, salt and pepper, chopped parsley then pour over milk.....cook until done, check seasoning, thicken with a little cornflour and milk.So good

kuaka, Jan 25, 10:44am
however you cook it, bleed it first.Hubby just makes a big cut across the back of the neck and then snaps the backbone, hang upside down and the blood just pours out.Once that is done, cook it whichever way you fancy.