Expiry dates..

southerngurl, Jan 3, 12:18am
im pretty good on expiry dates however I never got round to making lollie cake last year (or in 09 by the looks of it) if my condensed milk has a date stamp of nov 09 is it still good.. Im too scared to open it..

harrislucinda, Jan 3, 12:56am
yesonlyjustover1yearwillbeokdatesjustgiveaquidesayifyou wenttousemay be2ot3yearsiwouldopenandsee

southerngurl, Jan 3, 12:57am
sweet thankies..

macandrosie, Jan 4, 12:27am
I doubt you'll get food poisioning from condensed milk as it is high in sugar. If anything it would crystalise. I'm pretty brave & unless it's a fresh product I think it would be ok. They are probably required by food health & safety to date all food products & give an expiry date.

0800xford, Jan 4, 1:35am
jamie oliver was in sweden recently and they ate these rotten tinned herrings [?] imagine that!

blfogarty, Jan 4, 1:37am
Not all dates are expiry dates anyway. Some as just "best before" dates which means that the quality may be slightly reduced but still good to eat. And anyway if you are making lolly cake (Yum Yum) I say it is worth the risk lol.

griffo4, Jan 4, 1:41am
l recently ran out of C Milk and had to borrow some from a neighbour and l opened it and thought it was a bit darker in colour but it tasted alright and used it and as l was putting the tin in the rubbish l noticed the use by date as October 2006
lf the tin was bulging then l would be worried but the tin l used was just a bit rusty and no difference in taste
l told my neighbour and she said don't replace it as l don't use it often so l gave her some of the baking with her C Milk in and she loved it

uli, Jan 4, 1:53am
Rotten and tinned?
Now that sounds interesting!

0800xford, Jan 4, 2:40am
12:33 onwards in this video

www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHdO_yMr1VQ the video continues here www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph-1IwNhu8A

0800xford, Jan 4, 2:42am

kuaka, Jan 4, 2:52am
google "surstromming".

nfh1, Jan 4, 4:00am
I have used old stuff in the past and when it is cooked I never fancy it!I would throw it away, not worth the risk.

But then, I am a bit of a wimp!

0800xford, Jan 4, 4:03am
true story: i call all tinned fish "stinkfish" it just sounds funnier.
surstromming looks pretty rank! i'd still try it though

southerngurl, Jan 3, 3:58am
that settles it then... lolliecake it is my son!