With buttermaking

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prawn_whiskas, Jan 2, 11:24pm
Yes you can blend it 50:50 with either a nice tasting olive oil (don't use a nasty plastic tasting supermarket one) or another nice oil (macadamia, avocardo etc) will keep in the fridge and spread as soft as industrial margarine, only 100% better for you.

uli, Jan 3, 12:05am
The link you gave above
is an ad for the product - or what is it? A folk song?

cookessentials, Jan 3, 12:19am
It is a link, like the MANY links you post throughout the messageboard...you got a probpem with that? and as it is not YOU who is looking for one, why bother looking? anything for a stir eh?

t.gypsy, Jan 3, 3:55am
yes but the buttermaking problem has been solved lol.... Now what to use for the buttermilk i am sure its the same as using normal milk

cookessentials, Jan 3, 4:07am
Buttermilk is perfect for baking. Buttermilk scones cannot be beaten

t.gypsy, Jan 3, 4:18am
lol cook.... my mom has said shes going to get a bottle of cream and see how much butter that will make... I presume alot i will have to use a better container for it not one a glass bowl with foil over it like i did the first time i made it..

owl32, Jan 5, 6:31pm
cool, just made some myself out of short dated cream. I got 100mls of buttermilk and was planning to use it, then I tipped it over and half of it fell out :( So I guess I could use it with regular milk?

cookessentials, Jan 5, 7:44pm
No, I dont think so. Buttermilk is what is left over when you make the cream. It is fabulous for buttermilk scones...if you scroll down the next page or two and look for
"cookessentials" I have put the recipe on there.

skootaskid, Jan 5, 7:55pm
will this work even in the heat of summer?

cookessentials, Jan 6, 8:38pm
yes, just keep it in the pantry. You could try emailing the distributor.

lx4000, Jan 10, 11:10am
Now look here cookessentials !!

"Save you time"

Every time you post a link, I spend house looking and dreaming and poking me darling with an ever growing wish list!!

