Happy New Year

winnie231, Dec 31, 10:08am
My new year's resolution ...

"Resolve to make at least one person happy every day, and then in ten years you may have made three thousand, six hundred and fifty persons happy, or brightened a small town by your contribution to the fund of general enjoyment." Sydney Smith

fifie, Dec 31, 2:35pm
Happy new year Winnie, heres hoping you have a better year 2011 in the garden city all the best...

cookessentials, Dec 31, 3:17pm
Happy New Year Winnie...hope your night wasn't too stressful?

"We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential." - Ellen Goodman

0800xford, Dec 31, 4:48pm
happy new year, my resolution: to make more of my own food
i usually do, but i want to make even more.

at least i know what's in it...

uli, Dec 31, 10:49pm
Maybe even grow some of that food - then you really know what is in it :)

elliehen, Dec 31, 10:55pm
Happy New Year to all, and to 0800xford, who is so helpful in the Computing threads.

My resolution is to learn even more about the innards of my PC and to stop saving all the cast-off cords from past PCs just in case they might come in handy one day - they never do!

nfh1, Jan 1, 1:21am
Happy, Healthy New Year to Everyone.

0800xford, Jan 1, 3:10am
auckland city apartment, could be fun!

0800xford, Jan 1, 3:13am
heh, cool.
the first step is to have 2 computers, so when you break one you can use the other to find out how to fix it...

valentino, Jan 1, 4:45pm
Very True, how often one is looking for another computer to check out or download or keep tabs on latest emails, messages etc etc....

Everyone, please have a great year no matter how one sees it....

" My resolution remains as always, to have great joy through one's eyes."


0800xford, Jan 1, 4:55pm
the best help is self help, resolving to learn more about a tool you use regularly makes a lot of sense.

eg keep it CLEAN, vacuum the dust from the case fans, remove any dead or dying rodents too...

elliehen, Jan 1, 6:31pm
Happy New Year, valentino - always worth a peek to see what you're posting :)

uli, Jan 1, 11:02pm

winnie231, Jan 2, 7:20am
uli - thanks! You have provided some excellent links which I've already gleaned some knowledge from.
Could you start a new thread on the topic of'apartment gardening' or similar & repost the links so that more folks could gain from the topic as I think it would benefit many who may not look into this thread.
I have heirloom cherry & beefsteak tomatoes, pumpkin and a variety of herbs growing well in my limited garden space & have a share (thankfully) in my mother's garden with potatoes, zuchinni, scallopini, broccoli & lettuce all doing well at the moment.

0800xford, Jan 2, 3:56pm
nz is way too pc for that sort of carry on, i'd be in prison right next to those naughty so and so's who don't pay their parking tickets...

cookessentials, Jan 2, 4:04pm
Mmmmm, I dont think I have any dead or dying rodents in my computer, but thanks for the tips LOL

elliehen, Jan 2, 4:09pm
I found a gigantic spider living between the power adaptor and the outlet - nice warm place obviously ;)

0800xford, Jan 2, 4:09pm
depends how big the fans are! ha ha ha

elliehen, Dec 30, 5:54am
A short time ago Mitre10 had easy-interlocking kitsets for small raised garden beds.