
missy-barbie, Dec 30, 10:03pm
why do they cost so much when they have such simple ingredient and process?? and why are they considered unhealthy when they not? (also posted in general)

cookessentials, Dec 30, 10:09pm
There is bound to be someone here any time soon that will tell you they are unhealthy. You CAN make your own.. I have a recipe if you would like it?

missy-barbie, Dec 30, 10:25pm
I have a recipe that only has water and flour/yeast and a lil sugar/salt and they are boiled then baked....

davidt4, Dec 30, 10:29pm
Bagels are no more unhealthy than ordinary bread.Whether you regard ordinary bread as unhealthy is another story.I do and so do many other people who care about what they eat.

missy-barbie, Dec 30, 10:33pm
I would say less unhealthy, bread has heaps of stuff in it.

I think if you dont think of bread as unhealthy doesnt mean you dont care about what you eat...

missy-barbie, Dec 30, 10:36pm
its the wheat that you think is unhealthy, right?

davidt4, Dec 30, 10:44pm
That's right.

missy-barbie, Dec 30, 10:51pm
yup well there are alot of opinions on this. soooo why do you beleive that?

davidt4, Dec 30, 11:19pm
Two reasons.First, from extensive reading about the effects of grains on the human digestive system and second, from my personal experience of giving up all grains about six months ago.After giving up grains (and I was a very enthusiastic sourdough bread maker and pastrycook) my health has improved enormously, and I feel ten years younger.I know others who have had the same experience.

dezzie, Dec 30, 11:25pm
Have you given up all grains, or just wheat? I'm thinking rolled oats etc, and if you have given up all grains, is it all carbs, or are potatoes kumara etc still ok?

davidt4, Dec 30, 11:30pm
I've given up all grains, and I keep to a low carb diet.We eat a small quantity of kumara, pumpkin and butternut occasionally but not potatoes.

If you are interested in the health and weight loss benefits of low carb eating there is lots of excellent information on the NZ low carb web site.We can't give the link here, but you will find it if you Google for "low carb cooking in style" and look for a NZ site with a black home page.

missy-barbie, Dec 30, 11:41pm
hmm i have a different opinion, I think that its not that the its not good for the body, more there is something wrong in the body which causes this, hmmm I am bad at explainng things.
In saying that if want to lose weight I dont have carbs at night and actually would just rather only have salads and meat at night however I needing carbs at night at the moment cos really sick in morning if dont

davidt4, Dec 31, 12:10am
Sorry missy-barbie, I can't understand what you mean.Do you have some links you could post to help us understand what you are trying to say?Or are there some books you can recommend?

cookessentials, Dec 31, 1:36am
This is my recipe:

600gplain flour
2 teaspoons salt
23g compressed yeast
3 tablespoons sugar
125ml milk
1 egg yolk
3 tablespoons oil
1 egg yolk, extra
1 tablespoon water, extra
poppy seeds or sesame seeds

Cream yeast with 1 tablespoon of the sugar. Add 1/4 cup of the lukewarm water, stand covered in warm place until mixture bubbles, approximately 10 to 15 minutes.
Sift flour, salt and remaining sugar in bowl. Combine lukewarm milk, remaining lukewarm water, egg yolk and oil. Add to dry ingredients with yeast mixture, mix to stiff dough; add up to an extra ¼ cup lukewarm water, if necessary. Turn dough out on to floured board, knead well. Put into lightly oiled bowl, cover, stand in warm place until doubled in bulk, approximately 1 hour.
Punch dough down, knead again, divide dough into 15 portions. Roll each portion into rope shape approximately
20cm long. Coil rope to make a ring, moistening ends and overlapping them, squeeze lightly to seal. Put on greased tray, allow to stand in warm place 10 minutes.
Slide a few bagels at a time into a large saucepan of boiling water (do not let them overlap). Turn after one minute and remove with slotted spoon after boiling for one more minute.
Put bagels into greased oven tray, brush well with combined beaten extra egg yolk and water, sprinkle with poppy seeds or sesame seeds. Bake at 230C for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden

lindylambchops1, Dec 31, 1:48am
Thank you cookessentials I look forward to trying them.Family loves them!

missy-barbie, Dec 26, 5:06am
mines for bread maker maybe why easier? but freaking cheap going to cost me the same to make like 10 as buying one and i dont mean one pack I mean one single bagel from the supermarket