Eton mess

chrisynz, Dec 18, 3:07pm
how do i make it , i know it has meragines(sp) and berries. but what else and how do i put it all together

dezzie, Dec 18, 3:09pm
whipped cream is the other ingredient, put them all in a bowl and mix gently then its done, unless you want to spoon it into tall glasses.

chrisynz, Dec 18, 3:19pm
thankyou thinking of making xmas day instead of ambroscia(sp)

malcovy, Dec 18, 4:06pm

daleaway, Dec 18, 5:06pm
Eton Mess is what you make when your meringues have not turned out quite as you'd hope - or when you don't have enough to go round! There's no real recipe, it's just a mess, as it says.

Just lightly break up the meringues and stir them through whipped cream (unsweetened). Stir through some colourful fruit or fruit pieces and decorate with more fruit. Serve already in the glasses or individual bowls.

bedazzledjewels, Dec 18, 5:08pm
Try putting some liqueur or brandy into the whipped cream for a bit of a kick! Also some roughly chopped dark chocolate or toasted pistachios, or chopped nougat.

dragonstar_nz, Dec 18, 5:42pm
yummy cant wait, maybe i should have a trial run

bedazzledjewels, Dec 18, 5:48pm
Another thing - don't make it too far in advance or the meringues will lose their crunch. Just throw it together closer to when you need it.

margyr, Dec 18, 5:52pm
I made the one Nigella made last christmas, halve strawberries sprinkle with some sugar and about 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar, let marinate for a few hours, whip cream, crumble in meringues and gently stir in the strawberries, I poured juice and all into the cream. It was lovely and a great hit with everyone.

melissarosenz, Dec 18, 6:34pm
Eton Mess is fabulous.Don't break the meringues too finely, or they'll just disappear and you end up with very sweet cream and berries (I learn from my mistakes, lol).

Also, you know how when you buy brandy snaps / baskets, you always discover that half of them are broken when you open them up?Well, I'm going to add the broken bits to the eton mess this year.

tehenga288, Dec 19, 3:12am
Love Eton mess but i find it a bit sweet & rich so use half berry (or plain yoghurt) & half whipped cream. This is a good mix to use for a pavlova roll too

nickyd, Nov 21, 1:00am
I've used part whipped cream and part greek yoghurt and that was nice.Looks great if you puree some raspberries with a little icing sugar and strain the seeds out and pour on top.A bit of greenery on top (mint ) or something also looks pretty.