Tagine - glazed or unglazed??

jeanette12, Dec 17, 5:20pm
does anyone know anything about tagines and whether it is best to get the unglazed terracottoa or the glazed ones, most of the ones I have seen are glazed

buzzy110, Dec 17, 5:44pm
IMO, and because I have one, which is absolutely brilliant btw, go for glazed. Mine was made by a Coromandel potter who did a run for a Morrocan owned restaurant. He made them as per their requirements so if Morrocan restaurants use glazed, then I'm happy with that. The lid needs to be glazed to let liquid run back down into the cooking bowl.

Also here is what I got from here:

"Which is better: Glazed or Unglazed tagines?
Hard question. If you are going to use tagines to cook frequently, say weekly, then unglazed tagines are best in our opinion, because they provide an earthy flavor to you dishes. Otherwise, and this is what most people do, the glazed tagines are better for you because as they are stored away, they do not develop that "closet" scent the way the unglazed tagines would."

daisygirl, Dec 17, 5:54pm
I have used both,however both bases kept cracking on the gas and after about 5 uses the cracks were so open the juices ran through.I now use a cast iron bottom and a lid that is unglazed on the inside and glazed on the outer,I also prefer the lids with the air vent in the top.

cookessentials, Dec 17, 6:09pm
The only ones guaranteed for stove top are the Emile Henry. We used to have some beautiful ones made here in New Zealand which were glazed,hoever,they are not guaranteed for stove top use because of the temperature variances. Ray McVinnie, in fact uses these particular ones and uses them on a gas stove top without problems, he MAY use a diffuser which helps regulate the temp and dispersion of the flame but they are not guaranteed for this.

buzzy110, Dec 17, 6:18pm
Just a small note about Ray McVinnie and stove tops. First I have no quibble about either and think the advice given is rather good.

At a Food Show R McV was cooking away in his tagine on the stove top but, rather foolishly I thought at the time, he was using the smallest gas ring so that only the middle of the tagine base was being heated. Eventually, due to physics (the inner middle hot and outer part not being heated by the element, cold) his lovely expensive tagine cracked. That he actually didn't lose his rag there and then is a credit to the man.

So if you are cooking on the stove ensure your element matches the size of the whole bottom of your tagine or it definitely will crack, no matter great the quality.

jeanette12, Dec 17, 8:45pm
Thank you buzzy and cookessentials, there is a moroccan glazed tagine on trademe, and I wonder if this would be okay on a ceramic top stove, or would it be better to go for the Emile Henry?Do you know the name of the place that made them in Coromandel Buzzy and sorry what does btw mean?

bellter, Dec 20, 12:53am
Ray wrote an article for Cuisine mag back in 2006 - about Margaret & Stuart Slade,Cheddar Valley Pottery,Ph/fx 07 3124 583. I bought one, glazed on inside unglazed outside. I use it in the BBQ - absolutely wonderful! :-)

245sam, Dec 20, 1:04am
btw = by the way.:-))

cookessentials, Dec 20, 1:35am
They are the ones we sell, they are not guaranteed for stovetop use.

cookessentials, Nov 22, 1:04am
I would go for the Emile Henry.