Sure slim cereal "superstart" alternative cereal

lizyb, Dec 10, 1:05am
Does anyone know a good alternative low GI cereal I can substitute for the superstart which is often not available as it is imported from Aussy, currently none in NZ, awaiting a shipment I'm told.Burgen cereal is not available in hawkes bay, one alternative that was suggested.Have also tried obtainingthe ingredients but find our local health food shop has only some of them.any help appreciated, liz

uli, Dec 10, 1:07am
lizyb - tell us what you want to achive ...

lizyb, Dec 10, 1:11am
looking for an alternative brand available in supermarkets to use in place of .......

cookessentials, Dec 10, 1:44am
Hi lizzyb, I got the cereal once when i started on Sureslim,but found an alternative which actually had a lower carb content. I was told it was perfectly suitable to use and I used it right through the programme losing 18kgs. It is usually found in the Gluten free section of Woolworths. It is from Freedom Foods. The box looks a little different here to what i was using, but I am certain this is the one:

cookessentials, Dec 10, 1:47am
The carb content is high on their info, however, that is for 65grams. From memory, the amount of cereal is 30g,so halve that amount of carb content, making it about 17.5

lizyb, Dec 10, 11:34am
thanks so much for the info - just what i was looking for :-)

cookessentials, Oct 14, 11:07am
You are welcome and well done for getting into the programme. Did you know there is a great support site? There are some fab people there with great tips and ideas and heaps of support.