1 large or 2 smaller chickens?

nzwhisky, Dec 7, 3:37pm
Can't decide if its easier to just do a huge chicken or couple smaller ones for christmas lunch.There are 9 coming at this point.

herself, Dec 7, 4:14pm
I had the same thoughts for our Christmas dinner.I've decided to go with two smaller chickens.That way 4 people get to have a drumstick each instead of only 2! and that will probably save the arguments between the kids lol ........

veejay13, Dec 7, 4:14pm
Can you find one huge enough to feed 9.....that'd be a pretty big chook wouldn't it?

goldgurl_design, Dec 7, 4:17pm
agree with VJ - I'd go for the 2 chickens - heck the way my people eat, I'd got for 3 chickens lol.Unless of course you have lots of other things to feed them :)

tarankyle, Dec 7, 5:44pm
I would go for 2 chickens & any left overs can be used for lunch the next day, if any lol

motorbo, Dec 7, 5:49pm
2 chickens would just feed nine (no second helping) let alone leftovers

uli, Dec 7, 5:57pm
Would suggest to go for 3 or even 4 normal sized ones - and if you like you can cut off the breasts of 2 of them, cut up the rest (and nobody would know) and you have some precooked chook meat for another meal - like an easy salad.

nzhel, Dec 7, 5:58pm
Yep I agree with doing 2 chickens - I usually do this my self and even cook 3 together so there is plenty for chicken sandwiches and salads the next day or two. Theres plenty of stuffing for everyone too.

mightyone, Dec 7, 7:03pm
at countdown North Island areas this week Ingham Banquet chickens size 30, are only $14.99 :)

mwood, Dec 7, 7:41pm
chickens give more meat per kilo the larger they are so a 3kg (size 30) has more available meat than 2 size 15 (1.5 kg)

nik12, Dec 7, 11:47pm
I cooked too 'big' ones, sorry can't remember what size and that fed 11 kids (yr 3 - 8) and 7 adults with mashed spuds, peas, corn, and carrots on school camp.
If you read the packets they say how many they feed - then add a bit 'coz everyone likes lots of chicken :-)

skydancing, Dec 8, 1:04am
Hey thanks for the heads up about the Banquet chicken at countdown. I want to bone one and make my favourite stuffing of dried apricots (that have been soaking overnight in orange juice), cream cheese, wholegrain mustard and rolled up so that skin is on the outside.

Beautiful hot or cold!!!

jbsouthland, Dec 8, 3:20pm
How do the poor chickens get that big....not like they had a long life....get smaller as larger pumpedeven more with hormones...sorry but true....possibly weren't even able to stand at culling time.....Sorry to be realistic !

olwen, Dec 8, 3:28pm
I understand that chicken in NZ is not allowed to have hormones

trah, Dec 8, 11:42pm
jbsouthland - total myth about NZ farmed chickens being hormone fed. Feed manufacturers are not allowed to put hormones into feed here.

uli, Dec 8, 11:50pm
By choosing a bigger breed. I used to have 3.5kg chickens - they were simply Orpington cocks, surplus to the requirements of the ladies.
And yes - while we have genetically engineered corn in the chook food and lots of other unwanted additions (like medication against coccidiosis) - we have supposedly no growth hormones in it...

propagator, Oct 10, 1:57pm
I would go for smaller chickens.The larger they are the more fat they have.