Gordon Ramsay fans

vintagekitty, Dec 4, 7:08pm

I was suprised he only charges $100 Thou for a appearance, I though it would be alot more.

cookessentials, Dec 4, 7:24pm
That's pretty cheap. He can come here and do a demo on his beautiful cookware and his gorgeous Maze dinnerware by Royal Doulton.

vintagekitty, Dec 4, 7:28pm
perhaps he might, if you asked him nicely!.

cookessentials, Dec 4, 7:47pm
Well, you never know do you! Hisds cookware which is through Royal Doulton is beaitiful. All stainless steel and a beautiful weight. Saw it in Melbourne last year and thinking of stocking it along with the Maze servingware.

kay141, Dec 4, 7:53pm
Wasn't it him that was supposed to come for 2 charity events and pulled out at the last minute leaving them in the lurch?

accroul, Dec 4, 8:09pm
It says $100,000 not $100! $100 would be cheap!

vintagekitty, Dec 4, 8:14pm
I wrote $100 Thou as in thousand, I still think thats cheap

vintagekitty, Dec 4, 8:16pm
yeah, thats the link. He stated his Mother had a minor heart attack, when she was just admitted for a day. It sounds like a whole lot of business stuff is imploding, reading other articles.

lythande1, Dec 4, 8:47pm
He's an a***hole

eastie3, Dec 4, 10:18pm
From the Herald on Sunday today:

Master chef Gordon Ramsay is being sued for $2.1 million for failing to carry out his tour of New Zealand and using his mother's medical condition as an excuse.

Ramsay pulled out of a June speaking tour after claiming his mother had a heart attack.

But Duco Ltd - the company which tried to bring him here - claims to have evidence showing there was no proof of a heart attack.

The company has filed papers with the High Court at Auckland which reveal details of the claim against "Gordon James Ramsay, Chef of Finsgate".

The claim also revealed the company agreed to pay Ramsay $99,000 for giving the main speech and taking questions at two charity dinners planned for Auckland and Wellington in June.

With the cash, Ramsay would get two first-class flights from England to and from Australia, two "best-class available" flights to and from New Zealand and "premium" accommodation. The Chance2Eat dinners were planned to raise money for the medical treatment of Napier girl Matisse Reid, who can't eat because of an intestinal disorder.

The dinners were cancelled in an email from Ramsay's manager Christopher Hutcheson the week before they were to take place on June 22 and 23.

Hutcheson wrote, "We have just heard Gordon's mother Helen has just suffered a minor heart attack. She had a quad bypass a year or so ago and obviously Gordon is frantic to get back to see her."

Hutcheson wrote that the controversial TV chef was filming in remote Vietnam and was leaving "so that he can go straight down to be with her".

And the next day, Hutcheson arranged for a press release to apologise for cancelling with "news of his mother's heart attack".

But the court claim filed by Duco Ltd reveals that Ramsay did not raise cancelling the New Zealand trip until after his mother had been in hospital for five days.

In seeking $2.1m damages, Duco's lawyers stated that there was evidence Ramsay's mother had been admitted to hospital on June 10 with "chest pains".

Then, on June 14, the papers stated "Mrs Ramsay had been discharged home from hospital following an angiogram and there was no evidence she had suffered a heart attack".

The dinner tour was rescheduled for October - but again Ramsay cancelled. According to the legal papers, Ramsay said the tour had to be cancelled because of a "business crisis" in the United Kingdom.

But Duco's claim stated that Ramsay was "making public appearances at events at his own restaurant Verre in Dubai".

Ramsay could not be contacted for comment.

Duco boss David Higgins said he was determined to see the case through and had even won the financial backing of property magnate Sir Robert Jones to do so.

"There has been no contact from [Ramsay], no apology from him and no offers from him personally to us to make good in any way."

Mattise's mum, Jodee Reid, said cancellation of the event was a "huge loss". She can't work in the US but the family is bound to stay there to take up available organs at a moment's notice.

"Matisse has been at the top of the list for a very long time, in fact 3 years. But her organs are really hard to get so it's just a waiting game. We hope to get a phone call one day to say that they have organs."

kiwibubbles, Dec 5, 4:00am
but............ in some other article at the time it was annouced that the 2nd rescheduled tour was also cancelled, it stated that Gordon Ramsay had made a sizable donation to the family or organisers of the event...................?

nfh1, Sep 29, 2:46am
Yes I read that somewhere, cannot remember but may have been in The Herald.