Commercial kitchens in Welly!

twirty, Dec 4, 2:29am
Does any know of any that are cheap to hire?

duckmoon, Dec 4, 3:38am
I think that Karori Bridge Club has one

marywea, Dec 4, 5:31am
Our (KBC) kitchen is licenced for us to prepare and serve food for our own use but is not a commercial kitchen. They need all sorts of things. Sorry about that.

bigboy01, Dec 4, 5:58am
Try bowling clubs............they sometimes hire out the rooms..?

bigboy01, Dec 4, 6:00am
When I said rooms I meant the whole know what i mean ;-)

Its late excuse me.

twirty, Dec 4, 11:57pm
Thanks, I will try the bowling clubs.

duckmoon, Dec 5, 2:44am
is that Karori Bridge Club or Karori Baptist Church - so have just realised that there are two KBCs in Karori...
*waves* we probably know each other...

marywea, Dec 5, 3:43pm
Karori Bridge Club it is, lots of KBC's. We rent out our rooms including kitchen but a commercial kitchen is a very different thng and they are very expensive to set up. If you are not wanting to profit from your efforts then that isanother situation. What do you need it for, if just a social function then ring the rooms between 9.30am-12.30pm.It was the picture theatre but a part of this can be hired if you want a smaller area.

julie55, Dec 5, 4:34pm
I can help here. I spent six months doing this and now have finally got my market stall peoduction sorted. Forget church halls, sports clubs, school halls etc as they are not registered to a standard for a commercial food licence. I suggest you contact the Community Halls team at WCC or what ever Council is the area that you live in. They oversee community premises with kitchens that meet the standards for you being able to produce food commercially. I have found an excellent set up much cheaper that trying to hire caterer space and a lot less hassle as it is a Council managed premise. Also note that the licence you receive is for the actual premise you work out of not your home base. This is a major problem area in Welly. Good luck.

twirty, Oct 8, 12:42am
Great thanks julie55