Is it ok to boil fishheads

summahbaby, Dec 3, 4:39am
from frozen?

rogergayle, Dec 3, 4:41am
Hi are you making fish stock? Better to remove eyes as they can make stock bitter

rainrain1, Dec 3, 6:18am
sure is

lindylambchops1, Dec 3, 6:18am
ewwwwww <o)))))))><Enjoy!

rainrain1, Dec 3, 7:46am
Ahhh but the seafood chowder mmm mmm

jag5, Dec 4, 6:58am
Best ever fish stock.....yum

coconutbuns, Dec 30, 6:44pm
My mum and dad used to eat the eyes lol

vintagekitty, Dec 30, 7:45pm
lol eewww. I remember going to a tangi and this old gentleman opp me was eating fish heads and sucking out the eyes and chewing them with missing teeth and his mouth open talking to me. I was trying to look at his face whilst he was talking but it was sooo hard. I hate fish at the best of times.

nfh1, Dec 31, 1:13am
Thanks for sharing that!

raewyn64, Dec 31, 2:08am
Reminds me when I use to work in Auckland. We had a kitchenette on one side of the floor and a Croatian guy on the other side of the floor. He never walked slowly this guy! He would go to the kitchen and heat up his fish head whatever and then move at pace around the floor to get back to his desk on the other side, but the draught he would make in his speed would collect the smell of the food and waft it everywhere - whew lol

jerrytravis, Dec 31, 3:50am
fish heads in the office!hahaha LOL. in our office years ago i had a coleague who was bit of a home-boy. used to bring in live Kinas for his lunch.

christian2, Jan 7, 6:14am
yummy kinas, Elle McPherson swears by them, she loves them.

martine5, Jan 7, 7:19am
My family is Croat we all walk fast, we are all super good looking and cook exceptionally well.Send your guys details to me asap

martine5, Jan 7, 7:21am
and I am not joking about any part of this.

lcltd, Jan 16, 2:57am
I always use the left over fish heads (my husband is a wonderful fisherman).Rinse them, put in a big pot with onion, carrot if handy and simmer for not more than 20 minutes as it can turn bitter if cooked for too long.Cool, remove the fish heads, keeping the tender flesh in the head and cheeks.(use for soup - can be frozen for later).Strain and the you can reduce it for storge in freezer.This is delicious and makes wonderful stock.

summahbaby, Dec 3, 4:39am
from frozen!

rogergayle, Dec 3, 4:41am
Hi are you making fish stock! Better to remove eyes as they can make stock bitter

jag5, Dec 4, 6:58am
Best ever fish stock.yum