Loquats ......

bodieblue, Dec 2, 10:29pm
I have a tree laden with these fruit and apart from eating them straight off the tree have never tried to do anything else with them. Googling tells me you can make jam from them - has anyone done this - is it successful/nice tasting?

rai5, Dec 3, 12:26am
Yes I have made jam with them. Not exactly memorable the first time, but on the 2nd year I added jelly crystals, but can't remember what flavour other than a red one like raspberry or similar. We had a tree where we lived at the time. I just used a basic jam recipe with equal qantities of sugar to fruit and boiled it gently. Tested a bit on a cold saucer and if it set I knew it was ready. It also makes great jelly if you strain it, but I was too busy with young children at the time to bother with that, so we juat ate it.

uli, Dec 3, 4:24am
They make nice chutney, jam and pickle. Bit fiddly to peel and gut - but a nice change from the usual.

bodieblue, Dec 3, 4:37am
Thanks, this tree is huge and laden - feel I should be doing something useful with the fruit :)

korbo, Dec 3, 9:31am
gosh havent tasted those since primary days. a while ago. there was a tree that overhung in the school.
havent ever seen them for sale. what about an auction for some

uli, Dec 3, 9:48pm
bump for another year - our tree is laden too :)

gerry64, Dec 3, 10:21pm
oh yes Korbo me too - cant remember my mother making anything with them

jag5, Dec 4, 6:55am
I miss my loquat tree....jelly was my favourite.Boil the fruit up, strain juice off overnight, add about cup for cup of sugar and juice, boil till setting point.Makes the most delicious, golden jelly ever.Hmmmmm

bodieblue, Dec 4, 9:45pm
Do you just boil the whole fruit - no need to cut up? - Perhaps this could be a Xmas presie idea for those who don't need anything :)

uli, Dec 5, 12:25am
You need to take the seeds out - their pits contain dangerous levels of cyanide compounds. On the other hand some people do use them like apricot kernals to treat cancer....

jag5, Dec 5, 8:27pm
I just boil up whole, smell like almonds when cooking, but I have not had any problems at all.

If you want to err on the side of caution, then by all means remove them.They have 4 "nuts" inside.

michelle313, Dec 5, 9:59pm
A friend of ours has made loquat wine in the past.I'm hoping he wants to do so this year as my tree is full and I hate cleaning it up!!!LOL

sultana0, Dec 6, 7:04am
try a crumble, same prep as apple. They caramalise really well

bodieblue, Dec 2, 10:29pm
I have a tree laden with these fruit and apart from eating them straight off the tree have never tried to do anything else with them. Googling tells me you can make jam from them - has anyone done this - is it successful/nice tasting!

rai5, Dec 3, 12:26am
Yes I have made jam with them. Not exactly memorable the first time, but on the 2nd year I added jelly crystals, but can't remember what flavour other than a red one like raspberry or similar. We had a tree where we lived at the time. I just used a basic jam recipe with equal qantities of sugar to fruit and boiled it gently. Tested a bit on a cold saucer and if it set I knew it was ready. It also makes great jelly if you strain it, but I was too busy with young children at the time to bother with that, so we juat ate it.

jag5, Dec 4, 6:55am
I miss my loquat tree.jelly was my favourite.Boil the fruit up, strain juice off overnight, add about cup for cup of sugar and juice, boil till setting point.Makes the most delicious, golden jelly ever.Hmmmmm

bodieblue, Dec 4, 9:45pm
Do you just boil the whole fruit - no need to cut up! - Perhaps this could be a Xmas presie idea for those who don't need anything :)

uli, Dec 5, 12:25am
You need to take the seeds out - their pits contain dangerous levels of cyanide compounds. On the other hand some people do use them like apricot kernals to treat cancer.

michelle313, Dec 5, 9:59pm
A friend of ours has made loquat wine in the past.I'm hoping he wants to do so this year as my tree is full and I hate cleaning it up!LOL

sultana0, Dec 6, 5:35am
Oh yeah oh yeah, it has been the best crumble accompliment that I have ever made, caramelised to a "T" yum yum