
glynsmum, Nov 24, 3:55pm
I have a large horseradish root and would like a receipe on perserving it please

glynsmum, Nov 24, 4:27pm
Nobody knows? bump

charlieb2, Nov 24, 5:43pm
I'm sure fisher has posted about doing this before glynsmum, so keep it bumped up and hopefully he will see it at some stage

nanasee1, Nov 24, 8:46pm
I peel the root, chop it & blitz it in the whizz (hard on the eyes & clears the sinuses!!) then pack it into small sterile jars & moisten with vinegar. Kept in the fridge it lasts for months. When I want to useit I scoop out the amount I want with a clean spoon & mix it with cream or mayo.

glynsmum, Nov 25, 1:53am
Thankyou very muchI appreciate that

alewis, Nov 25, 3:16am
glynsmum, if this is the response that you got all worked up about you have a problem girl!! - she was being helpful and polite so what is your problem!!!

charlieb2, Nov 25, 4:20am
I'd be interested to know what I said to upset you glynsmum?

charlieb2, Nov 25, 2:56pm
bumping for glynsmum....

lizab, Nov 25, 3:41pm
This is from Digby Law's Pickle & Chutney cookbook (bit puzzled by Auckland Ali's comment too - ho hum!??)

Pickled Horseradish

This is an excellent way to keep horseradish. The drained horseradish can be used in many recipes where fresh horseradish is needed or mix it with sour cream or whipped cream and serve with roast beef, steaks or fish.

horseradish roots
white vinegar

Scrub the horseradish, peel it, then mince or grate it. Pack into clean jars and cover with a combination of 2 cups white vinegar and 1 tsp salt.
Cover and store in the refrigerator.

donnabeth, Sep 6, 6:06am
I concur with the advice above, but would add one extra warning if you aren't familiar with horseradish.

When handling horseradish, wash your hands thoroughly BEFORE(definitely BEFORE) using the toilet. A quick rinse wont do at all. My memories of the first time I peeled and chopped it still brings tears to the eyes and an involuntary clenching of muscles.