Anyone received Countdown rewards voucher

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supercook, Nov 24, 3:17pm
I am saving my voucher for when we go to the beach for a couple of treats for family.

uli, Nov 24, 3:40pm
I never get vouchers :) you need to spend in excess of 80 dollars a week to get over the threshold now - who would when there are much cheaper options nearby?

glynsmum, Nov 24, 4:29pm
never heard of them in Marlborough!

vintagekitty, Nov 24, 5:02pm
No, its everytime you spend at countdown, you swipe your card and points add to your runing total. I like countdown, its not too bad, pricewise. I think most families would spend in excess of $80 per week

vintagekitty, Nov 24, 5:04pm
I have no idea when they come out, it seems like I got some a couple of months ago?. Do they come out the same time or is everyone different?

margyr, Nov 24, 5:19pm
mine came in the mail today, enough to buy a hair dye so I am pleased.

rai5, Nov 24, 5:28pm
I don't think you have to spend $80 a week to qualify as I don't. Some weeks I don't spend anything at Countdown, but I get vouchers. I think it is total spend over a longer period and not everyone gets theirs at the same time.

nfh1, Nov 24, 6:04pm
You get one point for every $10 you spend - some times I get a voucher and other times I do not - I am a supermarket tart and have no loyalty to one store!

motorbo, Nov 24, 7:42pm
im not sure the small amount back is worth it, i get 15 dollars a year ..........pak in save is still cheaper

alebix, Nov 24, 8:35pm
I got mine today too. Im saving for a few sweet treats for the kids stockings.

tipsy_bl0nde, Nov 24, 9:06pm
got mine today woopee

anden16, Nov 24, 9:10pm
Likewise I also am a supermarket tart. I buy up large when the loss leaders are in store and I have enough until the next time. At Foodtown/Woolworths though you do get discounts on their promotions as well.

suzanna, Nov 24, 9:26pm
I cut up my onecard as they changed the rules without informing people...I had been saving my points for a big haul at the end of the year and then lost the whole lot as now if you dont use them within six months you lose them. Back to push and shove for my money.

svx1, Nov 27, 5:44pm
Yes I received mine on Thursday they seem to come out every 4mths I think but I have had 3 this year anyway.cheeers

kay141, Nov 27, 7:14pm
I keep an eye on the specials at both Countdown and New World. Get my basics at Pak n Save, veges at the market. in fact I will buy anywhere that has what I want at the right price. Often it is cheaper on special at the dearer supermarkets.

sazrim, Nov 27, 7:32pm
they now come out every 2 months with foodtown. I just got my vouchers. when they have specials they are very good, but the everyday prices are higher, everyday price for goat milk is just over a dollar more expensive than pak n saves everyday price for example.

kiwibubbles, Nov 27, 7:59pm
eh? what do you mean use them? you can't use them - the only thing they're good for is to receive vouchers, which come out on a regular basis..........?

glenleigh, Nov 28, 2:44am
Received and spent my $15 voucher on Friday. Bought each of the three grandies a teddy bear tin with chocolate chip cookes in them for their Christmas stockings.

4mywants, Nov 28, 3:01am
got mine, they are now 4 times a year...i shop at countdown and woolworths usually, but pakandsave is still cheaper, just not such a good selection.

kuaka, Nov 28, 4:36am
kiwibubbles, not sure what you mean by your statement.You've always received vouchers in the mail rather than being able to "save the points up for a big haul at the end of the year" - if you didn't receive a voucher, it was because you didn't have enough points.You get one point for every $10 you spend, and you get a $15 voucher for every 200 points you've accumulated.The points do carry over from one period to the next, but will now expire after 6 months. I received my $15 voucher yesterday, but already I have enough points for another $15 voucher, so maybe (just maybe) by the time the next voucher is issued I will have enough points to get a $30 voucher.I was 12 points short of receiving a $30 voucher at the cut-off point earlier this month.The vouchers are sent out Feb, May, August and November.Also kiwibubbles, if you still shop at Countdown or Foodtown and you don't use your onecard, then you don't get the benefit of the special offers on lots of products, as a lot of the special prices are for onecard holders only.

Edited to add, and even though Countdown might not be my first choice of a supermarket, I use it because it's the only one we have here, and it's better than the alternative, which is a Four Square shop.

kay141, Nov 28, 2:06pm
Pak n Save in the Hutt Valley is not always cheaper. Even though I only buy for 1, I shop around. Don't drive either, so small loads at a time. Very seldom get the vouchers though. Obviously don't spend enough.

esther-anne, Nov 28, 2:32pm
Yes-that's a very accurate summary kuaka.

I have had a Onecard for years and find it genuinely does provide some savings.I am in exactly the same position as you-the only place to shop where I live is Woolworths with the exception of a tiny and expensive 4Square which I rarely patronise.Consequently over the last three years my Woolworths vouchers have always been $30. Payments are now four times annually and I received my $15 one last week.

We are shortly moving to 'civilisation' in Auckland and perhaps then I too, can become a supermarket whore - woop woop!!!

kuaka, Nov 28, 3:48pm
and I must apologise to kiwibubbles, for my comments, because I stuffed up and they should have been addressed to "suzanna".My apologies.My comments still stand - I just directed them to the wrong person.

smileeah, Nov 28, 5:47pm
Do the vouchers need to be used within a certain timeframe? I haven't got mine anymore to check.

kuaka, Nov 28, 7:09pm
Yes, the one I received on Saturday has to be used by 30th January, so approx two months on this one.