OT, Chickens, I know some of you have them

vintagekitty, Nov 22, 11:26pm
lets talk about it. I fancy some, we have ample room and can build the chicken coop palace. What do you feed them?, We are not allowed roosters so no babies, but looking forward to the eggs.

vintagekitty, Nov 23, 12:29am
hahahhahaha, the thread title "I LOVE my chickens", that made me snigger, god bless her for loving them, I just want the eggs. But will read it, thanks

seniorbones, Nov 23, 12:52am
I warned you they are addictive!! and our eggs are delicous cant get enough of them everyone wants to buy them, I buy shop eggs for baking their too nice to use in cakes etc.

vintagekitty, Nov 23, 12:58am
great thread, but it was too much chicken love for me, I mean I like them, but im not "in love" with chickens. I dont need to bang on how much im in love with them, I just want to keep them alive, and care for them

purplegoanna, Nov 23, 1:18am
ah but you will fall n love with them & name them, they all have distinctive personalties, i love mine, got 3 lage hens & a bantam pair of hen & rooster...i get betweem 0-4 eggs a day, when they start to lag behind i give them the kFCtalk & some dogrolland we're away again...

vintagekitty, Nov 23, 2:25am
yes, sounds good. But really dont know loads about them, I may need to buy a book me thinks

tortenz, Nov 23, 2:36am
We have about 30, and sell the eggs... started off with 3 :)

They have a constant supply of chicken pellets, then get a bit of mash morning and night.Plus any scraps we have, but have to share between all the animals that want them!

Pretty easy to keep really.Only problem we had was containing them so they didn't dig up the garden, etc.But that's sorted now.

vintagekitty, Nov 23, 2:40am
whats mash?

Nice to see uli deleting her post, prob something sarcastic

vintagekitty, Nov 23, 3:53am
really, but whats the point if you wont cook with them?

beaker59, Nov 23, 4:25am
You can still have chicks withoutroosters just buy fertile eggs and put them under a broody hen then eat the cockerals and use the hens as replacements.

vintagekitty, Nov 23, 4:28am
Great, sort of like IVF, without the implanting:), are fertile eggs easy to buy/. Im loving the thought of chicks, as would my kids.

beaker59, Nov 23, 1:46pm
Fertile eggs were easy to buy when I had chicks 10yrs ago I'm sure thats still the case. Basically get todays eggs from a flock that has a rooster whenever a chook goes broody then substitute for her eggs.

lizab, Nov 23, 1:47pm
that's what we used to do beaker, until my son decided one year that he wanted a rooster for Christmas so we didn't have to buy the chicks! Imagine his delight when we found a nest of eggs hatching."The rooster works!" he said!!

vintagekitty, Nov 23, 3:25pm
OMG that is huge!, Im so so excited, im going to direct the construction of their new home today and fingers crossed we can go this afternoon or tomorrow. We have fenced off a piece of the garden with a gate for them to free range.

I was joking and said, pigs next!

tortenz, Nov 23, 3:30pm
Mash is just ground up maize, grains, etc.

We have a couple of broody hens at the moment, and did think of buying fertile eggs... but decided against it because if any roosters hatch, you either have to dispose of them, or try and find a home for them (if you don't want roosters)

tortenz, Nov 23, 3:31pm
Yea we've had a few giants... ouch!

vintagekitty, Nov 23, 3:45pm
thats a good point, The council here will not allow roosters in urban areas. And I cant dispose of them, too soft.

vintagekitty, Nov 23, 3:46pm
lol, ouch is right!

tortenz, Nov 23, 3:49pm
Us too... poor little babies.

momma1, Nov 23, 4:27pm
lol that isn't a giant, sorry...the big one is normal the other is tiny its about the size of a cherry.

tortenz, Nov 23, 4:34pm
Oh :) we've had littlies too. We got a cool photo once with a tiny one, regular, then giant.Quite impressive :)

momma1, Nov 23, 4:36pm
it is, i worried there was something wrong with phil. its draker than normal too but i suppose that is just the fact its not having to make a huge shell.

beaker59, Aug 30, 1:45pm
I used to keep my rooster chicks until they were about 12 weeks then sell them I got good price for them too amongst the local indian community.

I had 2 large chook runs and a movable shed every year during the late winter the chooks were locked into the shed and the whole lot moved across into the other chook yard I would usually fumigate and hose out the chook shed before moving then the old chook run was converted into a vege garden by digging it over with a bag of lime. Meanwhile the chooks had a ball in the old vege garden now chook run all scraps and garden waste went into the chook run. A perfect system before I had even heard of permaculture.

Did the little egg have a yolk sometimes we used to get double yolkers which were big and very popular with the kids for a boiled breakfast egg.