Absolutely craving

vintagekitty, Nov 22, 11:24pm
passionfruit, cherries, feijoa's, peaches and necterines. Why do these only come about one season a year?, we can make babies with science, why cant we make fruit available all year round?

goldgurl_design, Nov 22, 11:39pm
*sigh* agree!!

And the tinned versions are never quite the same are they :(

geldof, Nov 23, 12:18am
cruel isn't it.they'll be here soonthough

vintagekitty, Nov 23, 12:26am
I know, Its so wrong

dezzie, Nov 23, 1:18am
a lot of the things you mentioned are available year round, just sadly the imported ones are expensive and don't taste that good compared with the ones you get from the orchards, or you own.

elliehen, Nov 23, 1:46am
I actually like the idea of seasonal eating.Local cherries have just appeared at a roadside stall near me and the wait is worth it!I like that first taste of asparagus at Labour Weekend too...and the first vine-ripened outdoor tomato...

cookessentials, Nov 23, 2:04am
Yes, I like eating in season also,although there are lots of things I miss, however, it makes them tastes even better when they finally arrive!

goldgurl_design, Nov 23, 2:40am
I have given up eating the imported peaches, nectarine, pawpaw and magoes etc...they have absolutely NO flavour whatsoever!!Heck - ya lucky if they even SMELL like what they're supposed to be *sigh*

uli, Nov 23, 2:44am
Yep - I reckon science NEEDS to concentrate on test tube fruit - definitely - it will taste heavenly!

vintagekitty, Nov 23, 3:02am
absolutely uli, im sure you could tell scientists how to do it as well

vintagekitty, Aug 29, 5:05pm
:) we all cant no everything about everything