Just found out my partner has celiac disease and he needs to change his diet and avoid grains, flours, breads and starches. He is a builder and the hardest thing we have to deal with is what to make for his lunches. (As currently he makes sandwiches every day). Any tips or meals you would like to share?
Nov 16, 7:03pm
what about toasted sandwiches using gluten free bread?I haven't found any bread that is nice in fresh sandwiches, but is great toasted.Or maybe sushi, or gluten free pasta salads, soup, sushi, cold frittata.....
Nov 16, 7:23pm
Yeah I thought about toasted sandwiches, can you recommend a good bread you can easily buy?
Nov 16, 7:26pm
there's a vogels one now available in supermarkets.Another idea is to check in with your local bakeries and see if they do glutne free to order. Some do, and the ones I've found can be pretty good.There are some great websites too where you can buy online.do a search on the side for gluten free - some great threads on here that may be very helpful for you.Do you have KB's near you?They have some pretty good stuff too.Good luck!
Nov 16, 8:17pm
cold meats - i.e. cook whole chickens and he can take portions of that. Boiled eggs. Scotch eggs. Smoked fish. Ham. Meat loaf (be careful what goes into it though because most sausage meats have wheat fillers). Potato salad. Quiche - eggs and vegetables.
In winter you can add soup. All those and more can be used along with some salad stuff wrapped in a lettuce leaf. Add homemade relish or pickles. Maybe learn how to make sauerkraut so you have plenty to get you through the winter when salads are expensive.
I give things like that to my husband and he knows how to use a knife and fork. He loves olive oil over everything.
Go to Spotlight. They have fantastic plastic containers which have an ice pack that fits neatly half way up the container. You can put stuff in the bottom, fit over the ice pack and then in the two little containers on top you can add condiments and other stuff.
The world is full of food that isn't wheat or grain based. You just have to widen your horizons and be prepared to spend a little more time in the kitchen.
Nov 16, 8:22pm
Now is a good time to read Herika's thread - Gluten Free Hints and Tips. She has another, much longer one as well. She knows lots about all the foods that have hidden gluten and is kind enough to share her knowledge here.
Nov 16, 8:40pm
Thanks heaps for all your tips will have a look at the other threads for some more ideas. Is it possible to get gluten free cornflakes? As that is what he currently eats for breakfast
Nov 16, 9:15pm
Yes, you can get g/f cornflakes
Nov 16, 9:38pm
Hi There have bumped up melfordsgluten free recipes for you,there are heaps more,if you type in gf recipes to the left,and then push any tome there are heaps. Good luck,I am a better person for it.
Nov 16, 9:39pm
sorry mean to read push any time at date posted.
Nov 17, 2:17am
Rice, potatoes, fruit veges, maybe you could make rice salad, potato salad, I also make toasties which I took for luches when iniatially diagnosed. I made them by grating potatoes, squeezing out the liquid, then mixing with grated cheese, egg, seasoning, and cook min the toastie machine.I sometimes grate a few other veges in as well or add corn. Oak baked beans are gf, jacket potatoes, or home made oven chips.I don't buy much gf stuff as it is usually expensive, I go for more for things that are naturally gf.
Nov 17, 2:28am
must be something in the air , i got diagnosed yesterday . man its expensive . the bread is yuck . got some rice flakes for my breakfast and some cookies and some rice wafers , thats a good start i thought , im still doing home work and its amazing how many people have it !
Nov 17, 2:46pm
What is the deal with oats? Heard lots of different opinions, are they allowed or not
Nov 17, 9:06pm
You might like to consider buying a breadmaker and do your own gluten free bread - a guy I worked with years ago used one for gluten free bread.I agree the gluten free products available commercially are just vile - and expensive - I did a 3 week exclusion diet last year cutting out gluten, and tried several.
Nov 17, 11:59pm
i toasted the bread today then put some tinned salmon on it ... way better .
Nov 18, 5:41pm
I know it is difficult at first and most coeliacs I read in here spend a great deal of time looking for and using gluten free substitutes for favourite foods - i.e. g/f bread, grains, pasta, b/f cereals. However, after reading Going Against The Grain by Melissa Diane Smith (recommended reading by my doctor), I have learned that if you continue to eat a high grain diet with potatoes and other starchy vegetables, instead of totally changing your diet to one based more on protein and fat diet, you run the risk of developing sensitivity to starch as well.
Obviously the ramifications of not being able to have any sort of grains or potatoes/carrots/beans/peas/pa- rsnip and other starchy vegetables, along with those grains you already cannot eat, are pretty dire IMO.
Nov 18, 9:39pm
Of course not!
Nov 19, 2:42pm
You are welcome to your opinion hestia. And I am allowed to express what I know. Isn't the MB great? Everyone can have their say, and no one needs to argue at all.
Nov 19, 4:24pm
depending on where you live there may be places listed on the celiacs website for small bakerys that do gluten free we found a place that makes donuts ices buns, pizza bases and afgan cookies and gingerbread men and scrumscious cheese and bacon bread (its crumbly) but as nice as real food (the cookies are maybe even better) my advice is keep trying eveywhere to you find somthing that he likes when my little man was at preschool we sent him with gluten free cocoa puffs and rice milk for part of his luch as he could still eat veges and rice ect another place to shop is asian food markets (rice flour if you want to bake scones and stuff is $1.50 for 500gs as oppossed to $9 in a supermarket for bakels or simply organic rice or gluten free flour, scones and muffins might almost feel like sandwhiches (tip add more butte rthan recipe calls for when baking with rice flour)
Nov 19, 9:10pm
I have just discovered that Countdown make their own gluten free bread.It's in the bakery dept with cakes and buns etc rather than with the prepackaged breads.It is $5.08 a loaf but is bigger than the other loaves, even tho it's cut thicker.Best of all.....it's the only GF bread I can eat without toasting.Not something I have everyday but eggs on toast occassionally is great.I also get GF pasta from Binn Inn and make up pasta salads with all sorts of veges that I can eat cold when out and about.Another option is buying tinned beans to replace bread, pasta or rice.I like to use a four bean mix and add tuna/salmon, tomato, cucumber and cheese. If he is a builder and needs to keep energy up he can use rice, GF pasta, potato and beans to do so...with a good dose of protein thrown in.Binn Inn also do GF cruskits as a snack with fav topping.Happy munching.
Nov 19, 11:53pm
we went to te rapa new world today , they have a good range there including pies savories etc ! i just got some staple things for now . the jon jon apricot fruit bites are nice , a friend dropped off some bread he made and that was good . Im feeling a bit more positive now but a bit apprehensive about my first outing tomorrow eating out ( might pack a lunch in case )
Nov 20, 12:08am
If you google low carb cooking in style - you will find a website with lots of recipes (from NZ - so all ingredients are available here). Several members husbands have physical jobs and they have greatly benefitted from this kind of eating - so give it go if you are interested.
Nov 11, 6:09am
I recommend the bread from Lievito bakery in Dunedin.I know that they send it all over NZ.Check out their website to see stockists.It is AWESOME!
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