Tapasui how do you make it

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akopai10, Oct 26, 4:38am
I love my Samoan chop suey but i want to learn to make it myself, what do i do?

goldgurl_design, Oct 26, 11:50pm
ask ya mama?

buzzy110, Oct 26, 11:53pm
Do a search. There are 32 threads already on this very subject.

nahzee, Oct 26, 11:57pm
bay me and i'll civve you my Ungles 12 herp and sbices sequet

nahzee, Oct 27, 12:05am
ok i'll give one secret away free..lol...Fijian Curry your beef/steak first..............drain curry juice then pat dry the meat...then add to your chop suey..

elliehen, Oct 27, 12:05am
Hope this might help :)

goldgurl_design, Oct 27, 2:36am
only 1T of soy sauce?Gosh I use wayyyy more than that lol.

andrea1978, Oct 27, 2:42am
Apparently you no longer need to soak & cut the vermicelli - they've changed the way it's made or something?You just add it - after removing the string.

Also, I've never seen anyone use packet soup (but it is probably quite nice?).

As for the meat - I quite like pork, or chicken (get the chicken off the bones & boil the bones separately, then add the water from the bones to the chop suey for flavour), but had chop suey one time with mixed meats & it was the best ever!

Using garlic and also fresh ginger is nice.In fact the amount of garlic you use and the soya sauce you use are two things that can really make or break chop suey!I like LOTS of garlic and we usually use highmark soya sauce, but experiment with different soya sauces and see which one you prefer.I would use more than 1T oil also for chop suey.

andrea1978, Oct 27, 2:44am
That's what I was going to say, until I read at the end where it says add soy to taste tablespoons at a time.Good idea I think for beginners, because if you add too much it'll be foul!

andrea1978, Oct 27, 2:45am
Also, it's sapasui, not tapasui #1 ;)

andrea1978, Oct 27, 2:47am
Oh and you forgot the onion!Have to have chopped onion in there!

talent.scout, Oct 27, 3:13am
I reckon.... chicken soup?Thats a new one..... I dont steam the meat either....... fry it with my onions, garlic and ginger.... but hey...always nice to have a munch on someone elses chopsuey.Use a thick soy if you can.... Im liking the Nola's brand one at the mo.Its a little bit sweet too.But I'll tip in what ever is in the pantry ....

I have yet to see vermicelli that doesnt need soaking or cutting...... let us know the brand if you can.

andrea1978, Oct 27, 3:23am
Just the normal brand that everyone uses.My family are Samoan so we have chop suey whenever we get together (and just because) and my aunties & mum reckon it no longer needs soaking & cutting (they say the way they make it must have changed) - the chop suey tastes the same :)

talent.scout, Oct 27, 3:44am
nah.I make chopsuey every week with the Long kou brand vermicelli(the most common blue and white pack), and it still needs cutting.You could shove the whole thing in your meat mix, with hot water over top.... but I like to soak my vermicelli seperate...1/ to wash away any yuck stuff on it(just like rice, it was probably on the floor/ground before it was bagged) and 2/ cause there is a really strong smell that lingers in vermicelli water.I have to drain it off.

BTW... I dont cut mine with scissors like most do.... I run my butchers knife through the pot a million times, once it has become soft.lol

talent.scout, Oct 27, 3:46am
Ask your family what the brand is they use now.I wanna try it.

andrea1978, Oct 27, 3:59am
same brand everyone uses

alebix, Oct 27, 4:17am
i soak the vemicelli
brown off the meat (schinitzel, chicken,pork whatever)
brown and onion and 1-2 cloves of garlic

then i add the drained vermicelli, one whole bottle of soy sauce, extra water and cook for about an hour to let the flavours merge...

My Samoan uncle likes mine more than his own wifes loll.

oh yes, you can also add fresh ginger and mixed vege too.

akopai10, Oct 27, 4:20am
too much thanks

akopai10, Oct 27, 4:21am
my bad

akopai10, Oct 27, 4:29am
that sounds easy i want to give it a go now

alebix, Oct 27, 6:04am
It is easy. I hate cooking likie most people,but this is so easy, I leave to sit in the pot as I cook it in the morning and the flavours are really good by dinner time.

i use it for taking a plate etc...
but I fiond the brand of soy sauce is the key. I use Highmark, premiuim golden (red label) 300ml.. any more and it will be too salty.

nahzee, Oct 27, 12:32pm
Ungles secret ingrediants 2,3 and 4

add cubed boiled taro,cumin seeds and shredded cabbage...

anyone tried the light coloured soya sauce..my aunty uses it..and it comes out mean

goldgurl_design, Oct 27, 2:15pm
yeah, andrea and talent...the soup thing sounds a bit 'fancy' as opposed to the 'regular' chopsuey lol.ACtually I do use a bit of chicken stock or beef stock powder...so maybe alittle similar :/

I don't bother with scisors either, I soak the vermaceli, then when it's JUST tender enough, I remove the water and pull the string through to cut it...

I remove the water that it's soaked in, cos I don't like that strong 'plasticy' smell flavour it has.

I use lots of light soy sauce for flavour and a good dash of dark soy for colour.I think the brand I use is 'Pearl River'?

I like my chopsuey with a little liquid, I don't like it dry and stodgy lol.Love to eat it with those Raro donuts!!btw - anyone have a recipe for those? Mmmm

talent.scout, Oct 27, 9:33pm
lol..... I have to cut the string off first.... cause Ive left a couple in before, and its not cool.


(by the way.... I make a massive pot with 6 packs of vermicelli... so easy to lose track of how many strings you plucked out.lol)

goldgurl_design, Oct 27, 10:09pm
LOL!!Yep, I'm paranoid about leaving the string in...I make sure I count (out loud sometimes LOL) 1 string! 2 strings! 3 strings!! Ah AH Ah AH!! *in a Count off sesame street voice* lol.