Boston Bun

mber2, Sep 8, 9:39pm
hubby says he is going to make a Boston Bun and do you know that if you add 1 cup of mashed potato it keeps it fresh for a few days

cookessentials, Sep 8, 9:42pm
Add half a cup of mashed potato
half cup sugar
half cup milk
1 cup sr flour
half cup dried fruit
a tsp mixed spice and a pinch of salt.

mber2, Sep 8, 10:24pm
That is pretty much the same recipe except add 1 cup dried fruit mostly sultanas.thanks for that

cookessentials, Sep 8, 10:38pm
No worries

mber2, Sep 8, 11:46pm
I have just taken it out the oven & it looks yummy, i apprected that

cookessentials, Sep 8, 11:55pm
You are welcome. While still warm, you can coat with melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar or ice with lemon or pink icing and sprinkle with coconut.

mber2, Sep 9, 12:15am
all done, come for coffee & cake, just tried some bloody lovely

margyr, Sep 9, 12:27am
so, it sounds lovely, but could you tell me the preparation as well as the ingredients? do you just mix lightly or knead?

mber2, Sep 9, 12:48am
1 cup mashed potato
3/4 cup sugar
2 cups flour
2tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup milk
1 cup dried fruit mostly sultanas

sift flour,baking powder and salt together.
mash the potatoes you normally would but add the sugar and mash until smooth.(the mashed potato keeps the cake moist for a few days)
add to the dry ingredients,the milk and fruit,mix all togehter.
put mixture into baking tin(I used a lined 20x20 tin)
and bake about 180 for about 30 minutes until cake is golden
turn out onto cooling rack

50-55gms butter melted
2 cups icing sugar
1-2 tbsp milk ( to your own consitancy)
2-3 drops red food colouring
1/2-3/4 cup coconut

mix butter,icing sugar and food colouring together with the milk to make a smooth topping(use milk at your discretion)
spread over the warm cake (Not hot) and sprinkle with coconut
(depending how much you like)

make yourself a cup of tea or coffee and cut a piece of the cake while it is still slightly warm ,or you can wait until it is cold if you can wait that long
sit back in your favourite chair and enjoy

mber2, Sep 9, 12:50am
when you mix all the ingredients together it will be like a moist dough

cookessentials, Sep 9, 1:04am
sounds a great there any left?

mber2, Sep 9, 3:41am
no we have just demolished it as it was so lovely so now I have to make another one
the recipe above says to divide the mixture into 2 smaller tins so you can have one later but it only half filled a 20x20 tin so you just make one about 2-3 inches thick and when you slice it put some butter on it to eat.
just like Grandma used to make
Which reminds me I have Grandmas recipe book

cookessentials, Sep 9, 3:55am
Did you do it with the icing or the butter and cinnamon sugar?

mber2, Sep 9, 3:59am
I made the icing and put coonut on it as the recipe said

margyr, Sep 9, 8:03am
thanks for that, may give it a go on the weekend, I think i will put some raspberry essence as well as the red food colouring.

winnie15, Sep 12, 8:13am
this is the one i make too ... and the icing is lovely with rasp ess!

ess.j, Mar 18, 2:08am
Mine tastes yuck. Hmmm what have I done wrong? Tastes like potatoe