Can someone help out here please

maree21, May 18, 1:00am
A friend of mine gave me some smoked moki fish (and i love smoked fish) but not cold.

How do you heat it up please.

red2, May 18, 1:02am
I would some gently microwave it - but I would squeeze some lemon juice over it first to keep it moist . Or make it into fish pie if you prefer

maree21, May 18, 1:03am
i havent got a microwave, so can i put it in the oven?
if so for how long?

245sam, May 18, 1:06am
maree21, except for smoked salmon I do not like smoked fish so how I prepare smoked fish is how it appeals to my DH, but first... . is the smoked fish that you have actually cooked or has it been cold-smoked? in which case it will not be cooked - that is the type of smoked fish that my DH usually has so... .
I poach the fish in milk, then use the milk to make parsley sauce which I then add the cooked smoked fish to and gently reheat it.

Hope that helps. :-))

maree21, May 14, 6:56pm
yep its been cooked as the person who went and picked it up for me said it was hot, but just given it to me but it is now cold.
i like the parsley sauce idea though so might try that.
Cheers everyone