NZ Measuring Cups. Where to buy?

clair4, Oct 29, 2:17am
I need a new set and I believe they measure different to Australian ones, so I am wanting a NZ Set. Thanks.

petal1955, Oct 29, 2:24am
Stevens is a good place to start

clair4, Oct 29, 2:38am
I was in there today, but never gave them a thought. It is only now that I am going thru my new baking book. Thanks

dibble35, Oct 29, 3:22am
I bought some multi coloured ones at New World awhile ago now but think they still sell them, I quite like them considering they cost under $5

nauru, Oct 29, 5:15am
I recently picked up a set of multi coloured interlocking measuring cups from a $2 shop.

bcnd, Oct 29, 5:21am
I love my extremely overpriced Tupperware ones

aktow, Dec 9, 6:06pm
nz and aussie are the same,,, you don't need expensive measuring cups, i use ones like this

only $2 at a 123 dollar store,, i had mine over 6 years and still in one piece , don't buy the green plastic ones with the pouring lip, some the measure level is under the lip and not the top of the cup,,, the metal ones are easy,, just pile in the ingredient then run a knife along the top edge . if you stick to using one type of measurer you will get a more consistent product,