Bubble and Squeak

justdelite, Apr 28, 1:53am
OK so I am going to come across as a complete idiot so here goes; we had a lovely roast last night but have tonnes of potatoes, kumera and pumpkin left over. Isnt bubble and squeak all of the above mixed together? ? What do I do? Do I need an egg to combine? Thanks in advance ! ! ! !

doug57, Apr 28, 2:39am
You don't 'need' an egg. . but can add one if you feel like it!
Here's a link to save me some typing!

hezwez, Apr 28, 2:40am
You have to have a cabbage ~ yum~

justdelite, Apr 28, 2:45am
You gem thats FANTASTIC! ! ! (Was too embarrased to call Mum and ask! )

elliehen, Apr 28, 2:55am
No need to feel like an idiot and I'm sure your mum would have liked to be asked - most people feel good to be asked to share their expertise, and children grow up and discover that their parents DO know something after all.

Mark Twain said something along the lines of... "When I was sixteen my parents knew absolutely nothing, but by the time I was twenty-one it was remarkable how much they'd learned in five years. "

I agree that Bubble & Squeak needs cabbage, even if you don't eat it much in anything other than a cole slaw.

dogman13, Apr 28, 4:38am
also delicious by adding an onion or two , plus the cabbage and sometimes have added left over mixed vege , thru it all in a non stick fry pan yummy! ! !

jaxma, Apr 28, 4:47am
If you've got any gravy ... toss that in too :-)

justdelite, Apr 29, 1:53am
OK so I am going to come across as a complete idiot so here goes; we had a lovely roast last night but have tonnes of potatoes, kumera and pumpkin left over. Isnt bubble and squeak all of the above mixed together! What do I do! Do I need an egg to combine! Thanks in advance !

doug57, Apr 29, 2:39am
You don't 'need' an egg.but can add one if you feel like it!
Here's a link to save me some typing!

justdelite, Apr 29, 2:45am
You gem thats FANTASTIC! (Was too embarrased to call Mum and ask!)

elliehen, Apr 29, 2:55am
No need to feel like an idiot and I'm sure your mum would have liked to be asked - most people feel good to be asked to share their expertise, and children grow up and discover that their parents DO know something after all.

Mark Twain said something along the lines of. "When I was sixteen my parents knew absolutely nothing, but by the time I was twenty-one it was remarkable how much they'd learned in five years."

I agree that Bubble & Squeak needs cabbage, even if you don't eat it much in anything other than a cole slaw.

dogman13, Apr 29, 4:38am
also delicious by adding an onion or two ,plus the cabbage and sometimes have added left over mixed vege ,thru it all in a non stick fry pan yummy!

jaxma, Apr 29, 4:47am
If you've got any gravy . toss that in too :-)