
shellz213, Nov 16, 4:38am
I've decided I'm going to make Nigella's strawberry limoncello tiramisu as a Christmas Day dessert this year (sounds so yum!)

The question I have is that as I will need to do all my cooking on Christmas Eve as we will be getting up and travelling to Auckland first thing Christmas morning, is a tiramisu one of those things that is best made the day before to soak up the flavours or is it one of those things like trifle that may go a bit soggy!Just tossing around whether it is the best thing to make and whether it will travel okay.It will be in a chilly bin with ice packs etc.

knowsley, Nov 16, 4:45am
I make Gordon Ramsay's one, and it definitely improves overnight.

caressana, Nov 16, 5:12am
Hi there, that sounds very nice. Could i plz have the recipe.

shellz213, Nov 16, 5:16am
Thanks for that, is good to know :-)

shellz213, Nov 16, 5:18am

sarahb5, Nov 16, 9:11am
Tiramisu is definitely better left to soak and absorb the flavours

gardie, Nov 16, 3:06pm
Agree.And I always make my trifle the day before too, adding the cream on the day.Nothing beats trifle for boxing morning breakfast (I dont' think it goes soggy at all, at least my recipe doesn't)

bisloy, Nov 16, 9:32pm
Yep make it the day before - yummo. The reipe in the foodtown magazine in the Tatua(!) add for marscapone is really easy and really nice.

shellz213, Nov 16, 10:45pm
Just another question as well for you tiramisu makers, do you find the tiramisu looks better with using sponge cake or those Italian sponge fingers.I'm thinking it will look better using cake but what do you usually use!

sarahb5, Nov 16, 11:32pm
Definitely a traditionalist here so would always use sponge fingers - sponge cake is too soft and turns to mush too quickly

sarahb5, Nov 16, 11:33pm
Made tiramisu a couple of years ago in my Tupperware gel ring - it was great especially since the recipe made too much so we had to keep eating it to try and get the lid on.

Personally I like brandy butter on pannetone toast for Boxing Day breakfast but I can see that trifle or tiramisu would be just as good!

caressana, Nov 17, 8:55am
Thanks so much Shellz.213 It sounds awesome.