Whole Almonds

kiwibrit2, Oct 29, 5:40pm
Anyone make their own 'ground almonds' from whole!we have an almond tree so want to make good use of them besides just choped up.

carlosjackal, Oct 29, 5:55pm
Oh yes, definitely! We have an almond tree but it doesn't yield many almonds. Our neighbours do; they have 3 almond trees and even roast theirs!

tiogapass1, Oct 29, 11:25pm
Once you've cracked the nuts you have to remove the brown skin before grinding.the easiest way to do this is by blanching in hot water until the skin swelsl and become soft.leave to cool then remove the skins.

village.green, Oct 29, 11:52pm
Lucky you. I buy ground almonds from Davis Trading for $18 per kg and keep in freezer. Great for gluten/grain free baking.

taurus2005, Oct 30, 2:23am
You have an almond tree!, how amazing is that.

whitehead., Oct 30, 2:29am
you can grow them in auckland i had friends who did .the shells are really hard to crack

cloudberry, Oct 30, 4:21am
I don't bother to take the brown skin off when I make almond meal. I grind the whole almonds in my little nut mill, then sieve them and toss the bigger pieces back into the nut mill to grind them again. The almond meal works perfectly well but of course everything you make with it will be a darker colour.

I'm not lucky enough to have a tree but I buy whole almonds in bulk and keep them in the freezer and grind them as I need them.

Edited to correct spelling.

davidt4, Oct 30, 4:45am
I don't blanch the almonds either.I grind them in a food processor, otherwise store and process them in exactly the same way as cloudberry.

I used to have a small almond tree and we would serve the immature almonds as antipasto - everyone can shell their own.

buzzy110, Oct 30, 4:50am
We go through a lot of almonds here. I soak mine in salted water till tiny white buds appear at one end. Then I drain and dry in my dehydrator for 24 hours at 35dC. Then, and only then, are they fit to eat imo. Left plain they are indigestible with enzyme inhibitors and phytates that bind with dietary trace minerals and cause them to be excreted.

kiwibrit2, Oct 31, 9:51am
Thanks for the ideas - shells are certainly hard to crack, hoped to find some way of getting nuts very fine. Where did you get the nut mill!

nauru, Nov 2, 6:16am
I don't blanch almonds either as we prefer them that way, and grind them in a coffee grinder that I keep for this which makes them really fine. Amongst other things I use them to make my own almond paste and as an earlier poster said it is darker in colour but still tastes good and is way better than bought.I also use them in my LSA, all of which I grind in my CG.I envy you your almond tree too.