River cottage everyday veg

kokopuff, Oct 15, 6:00am
Did anyone watch it last night cant remember what time it was on but im trying to find the recipie for the choc tart thing they made out of pecan and date base with avocado and vanilla and maybe cocoa for the chocolate topping mix. It was a young lady that made it.

kay141, Oct 15, 6:31am
I missed that bit but the recipes are sometimes avaiable online. I think it is channel4.com or there is a River Cottage website.

kokopuff, Oct 15, 6:37am
Thanks i couldnt find the recipie but i managed to find the lady name who made it and googled her.
Laura Coxeter’s Raw Chocolate Ganache Tart
For the base
•300g Pecans or Almonds
•1 tsp, Pink Himalayan Salt / rock salt
•200g, medjool dates / large sweet dates

•For the filling:

•Blend the flesh of 4 medium, ripe avocados
•150g Virgin coconut oil
•Beans of 2 whole vanilla pods
•200g raw cacao powder
•Pinch of salt
•300g coconut blossom sugar or agave nectar to taste.
In a food processor, blend the pecans or almonds (Preferably, soak them for around 6 hours and then dehydrate them. The soaking releases the enzyme inhibitors and makes them easier to digest)

Then add the Pink Himalayan salt or another good quality salt. To this, add the Fresh medjool dates. Blend until you have a ‘dough’, or until the mix forms a ball.

Press this mixture into the bottom of a mould. Cover in cling film and leave to harden in the freezer till you are ready to pour on the filling. I like to use a silicone mould. They are freezer safe and easy to get the tart out once it has set.

Blend your filling ingredients until smooth, and then pour onto the base.
Set in the freezer for 1 hour. Then it should be firm enough to slice up. Top with fresh berries, edible flowers, a dusting of cacao powder- whatever takes your fancy and whatever looks pretty!Prep time 6 hours,Cook Time 1-2hours, Serve 6.

daisyhill, Oct 15, 6:37am

daisyhill, Oct 15, 6:37am
LOL, beaten to it by seconds ;-)

I love the River Cottage books and shows, and the veg one is particularly good.

maximus44, Oct 15, 6:50am
It was a very good program. He used pecan nuts (I think) and dates for the base and avacado and pure cacao for the filling. It certainly looked good.

vinee, Oct 15, 6:56am
I just ordered the book from book depository - on special for $44.06 (free pp) $60 at the warehouse.

p.s. kokopuff - that recipe for RAW choc thing has a cooking time at the bottom!
haha, I guess it's a setting time.

vinee, Oct 15, 6:57am
oh, and why don't the English like beetroot!

kokopuff, Oct 15, 8:43pm
lol thanks everyone

nfh1, Oct 15, 8:51pm
Perhaps we all think of the tinned beetroot!

daisyhill, Oct 15, 9:08pm
I can't speak for the English, but to me beetroot tastes like soil. This is regardless of how it is prepared. I wish I liked it but it's like eating dirt!

kay141, Oct 16, 2:02am
I don't like beetroot either. When the children were at home, we grew it a lot and I bottled it as well. Husband and children enjoyed it. The recipe looked interesting but the amount of coconut products in it put me off. That taste is slightly less disliked than beetroot but still disliked. And I find the smell quite nauseating at times.

dibble35, Oct 16, 5:58am
I've been enjoying this series. one of the few cooking shows i'll watch, nearly inspired me to cook more veg, some of the recipes look amazing. I have got a good veg garden getting going for summer so will have tomake lotsof his veg recipes then, supermarket veg at the moment is just so boring looking

ruby19, Oct 16, 7:04pm
Must record it, when is it on!When browsing Amazon
I have been very tempted to buy the book.

245sam, Oct 17, 12:19am
Our English son-in-law does like (loves) beetroot and like all vegetables, he prefers fresh rather than frozen or canned, and when he has beetroot he prefers it just as is i.e. simply cooked, not brined, jellied or in a sauce .:-))

pickles7, Oct 17, 7:57pm
I have noticed River Cottage has "chat" now.