Do we have any 'everclear' equivalent in nz

caitlin, Sep 21, 7:44am
I'm wanting to make limoncello, and i've heard that everclear is far better than vodka. Do you know where i can get everclear (for a reasonable price) or something like it in NZ! thanks so much!

lilyfield, Sep 21, 8:52am

mwood, Sep 22, 5:28am
no Everclear here as our liquor tax is based on the Proof % that is the ABV - Alcohol By Volume - Proof is % reads double the ABV% an easy mistake to make.
note:40 % ABV is 80% Proof but it is the 80+% ABV that you need - simpler to make your ownfor a dollar or two a litre .

mwood, Sep 22, 5:31am
a cheap fix is to use 1 litre of 40% ABV for the first maceration of the peel them drain and reuse the peel in a 2nd litre of maceration. Combine the 2 prior to adding 500 mls of simple syrup.

caitlin, Sep 24, 6:46am
thank you! I'll look at making my own i guess (gulp!)

mwood, Sep 24, 9:53pm
Very simple (NZ)Step1/ peel the skin off 12/20 Meyer Lemons or similar and put them in a 1.5 litre or larger jar with a scant teaspoon of salt then pour over 1 litre of 40% ABV Vodka and put inthe cupboard for 1 or 2 months (or outside in the sun each day for a week or 2) - give it a shake when you think of it. Step 2/ drain the jar through a sieve into a 2.4 or so PET juice bottle and put the peel back in the original jar and pour another 40% ABV Vodka over the peel - wait and shake as above for another week or two then strain the vodka into the 2.4 (juice) bottle. Step 3/ make a simple syrup by bringing to the boil and allowing to cool1 kg of sugar in 1 litre of water with a squeeze of lemon juice - this make an inverted sugar syrup which will not crystallize amongst other attributes.
Pour 500 mls of the syrup into the 2.4 litre juice bottle - it will fit :-). Give it a shake and set aside for a week or two.
Step 4/Fill a say 500mls plastic bottle and keep this in the freezer - pour out a shooter size ice cold shot and drink it as either an aperitif or a digestive. Invent variations for next time - like a cinnamon quill or a vanilla pod etc. Best of all enjoy a real tried and true recipe.