Turkish Delight

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lawz_21, Aug 14, 6:04am
Does anyone have a good recipe for me please!
The partner loves it so keen to try home make some

ravenraye, Aug 14, 7:08am
Don't have one at hand at present, but do Google it, you will get a variety and can choose what you favour.There doesn't seem to be any from the side search box. Good luck.

lawz_21, Aug 14, 7:12am
thanks found a couple that look good, dont seem to know where to get rose water so wil go with maybe strawberry

245sam, Aug 14, 8:01am
lawz_21, suggestions on where to try for rosewater.
a Middle Eastern store, Indian Store or possibly your local pharmacy, and don't forget the Mediterranean Food Warehouse.

Hope that helps.:-))

lawz_21, Aug 14, 8:05am
ohh will have to see if i can find any, havent seen any around here (though dont take the most notice lol)
I read online the ones at the pharmacy arnt meant to be ingested!

thornton1961, Aug 15, 6:52am
I saw rose water at countdown international foods isle.

lawz_21, Aug 15, 7:20am
oh really! I went in there today and looked everywhere :( do you know how much it is!

biggles45, Aug 15, 7:47am
Sorry mine's so old it's in ounces but you can convert on line to gms. Soften 1oz powdered gelatin in cold water. Put 1lb sugar in saucepan, add 1/4 pint hot water, disolve over very low heat. DO NOT ALLOW TO BOIL. When disolved add softened gelatin.Simmer without stirring for 30mins. To test if ready, dip wooden spoon in pan, take a pinch of mix between thumb and finger. Press fingers together, then seperate, a thread should form then break almost immediately. Add flavour and colouringof choice - eg rose water or strawberry (with red colouring), orange essence or lemon with yellow colouring. Turn into 6" square oiled baking pan. When set turn out onto bench that has been dusted with icing sugar. Cut into squares, dust all sides with icing sugar. Enjoy, it is yummy.

lawz_21, Aug 15, 8:07am
thank you :D the OH will love it. How long did u find it took to set

biggles45, Aug 15, 8:36am
I usually make it in the afternoon and leave to set overnight. It probably doesn't take anything like that time though, just that way suits me!Sorry not very helpful.

schnauzer11, Aug 15, 8:54am
Bib Inn.

schnauzer11, Aug 15, 8:54am
Er-Bin Inn !

schnauzer11, Aug 15, 8:56am
Real Turkish Delight does not use gelatine,but the recipe is quite a process.Made it a few years ago,and would probably go for the easier,gelatine one now,though the texture's quite different.

jenniferanne, Aug 15, 9:19am
I made it one year for Christmas gifts, it set I dusted it in icing sugar packed it in containers and the next morning it had started to "melt" have no idea what went wrong

lawz_21, Aug 15, 9:25am
Dont have one out here :(

schnauzer11, Aug 15, 11:31pm
I'm guessing you used a quick,gelatine-based recipe.Proper Turkish Delight is not affected by heat.

schnauzer11, Aug 15, 11:34pm
Google,and have a look at the authentic recipe,people.Not for the faint-hearted-you need a candy-thermometer,and a lot of patience.Quite different from a rose-flavoured jelly.

wildflower, Aug 17, 4:02am
I've never made it as I don't have a candy thermeter so Biggles45 recipe sounds like a easier way to go.

bedazzledjewels, Aug 17, 4:20am
Exactly. Find a Turkish shop close to you and buy it.

biggles45, Aug 17, 4:29am
It looks the same as the turkish delight you buy in boxes at Christmas, same sort of texture too. Probably not quite as smooth and gooey as the turkish delight in the choc bar though.

biggles45, Aug 17, 4:31am
I keep mine in a tin in the pantry and haven't had a problem. But our pantry is very very cold even in summer as it faces south and only has a very tiny window!

cookessentials, Aug 17, 4:33am
For what it's worth, here is my recipe. I often by the Hazer Baba Turkish delight, but this is a goodie and worth the trouble to make.

880gcaster sugar
1 1/4 litres water
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 tablespoon rose water
1/4 - to 1/2 teaspoon red food colouring or cochineal
75g pure icing sugar
35g cornflour for dusting

Place sugar, 1.5 cups of the water and lemon juice into a medium sized heavy-based saucepan. Cook, stirring, over low heat until sugar dissolves, brush down sides of pan with water to remove any remaining sugar crystals. Bring to the boil. Continue to boil until syrup reaches 116C on a sugar thermometer.

Meanwhile, combine cornflour and cream of tartar with remaining water in a large bowl or jug. As soon as syrup reaches the correct temperature add cornflour mixture stirring continuously.

Gently bring back to a boil; stirring continuously. Reduce heat. Simmer, stirring often, to ensure mixture does not stick to bottom of pan. Eventually mixture will thicken considerably and will start to turn a golden amber colour. It will also be thick enough to enable you to draw a distinct line across the bottom of the pan. This will take anywhere from 45 mins to 1.5 hours.

Meanwhile line a 20cm x 20cm cake tin with greaseproof paper.

Add the rosewater and colouring to the mixture, stirring well to thoroughly combine. Pour into prepared tin. Tap tin on the bench to smooth out the mixture, stand covered at least 8 hours or until very firm. Do not refrigerate.

Turn out onto bench lightly dusted with combined cornflour and icing sugar mixture.

Cut into squares and dust liberally with remaining cornflour and icing sugar mixture. Store in an airtight container, with baking paper between the layers.

kay141, Aug 17, 5:12am
Try dusting with cornflour instead of icing sugar. It works for marshmallows which seem to get wet again with icing sugar.

schnauzer11, Aug 17, 6:35am
I hoped you'd post,cookessentials! Bin Inn also has a good authentic product,not expensive.Icing-sugar all over the sofa last night!

vinee, Aug 17, 7:52am
My little brother made it once, as a child. He didn't realise rose water and rose oil are VERY different.
It was, um, quite strong.