Home Kill - Animal Welfare Standards.

frances1266, Aug 28, 7:05am
How is it ok for people to kill their animals at home rather than send them to be butchered at freezing works where they are stunned before being slaughtered.Is this legal!

timturtle, Aug 28, 7:23am
Yes it is legal. And there are far more "Put down" for humane reasons than there are for "home kill". And done properly it is very humane

southerngurl, Aug 28, 7:28am
They tend to be less stressed. Animals that end up at the freezing works have to be shuttled onto a truck, stand round on a truck all day and then shuttled round yards. Most often homekill is killed in the paddock so animals still think their in heaven

cowboy110, Aug 28, 7:46am
Perfectly legal and in my opinion far superior meat than anything that has been slaughtered at an abbatoir.southerngurl has summed it up nicely.Homekill vs Meatworks!.No comparison

griffo4, Aug 28, 7:51am
One minute they are standing there eating grass the next the are dead on the ground for home kill far better than freezing works and far superior meat
Have you ever tried home kill meat or seen a beast being done before making these statements!

1buzemum, Aug 28, 8:38am
Ha I would be asking them if they have "actually seen" an animal be killed at the works. I grew up with home kill, but was shocked when I had a tour of the works and saw how they "nicely" put an animal out.

1buzemum, Aug 28, 8:40am
Makes me wonder if you know the term "stunned" in regards to the freezing works!

southerngurl, Aug 28, 8:56am
exactly. they might be stunned by the rods, it certainly doesnt kill them.

1buzemum, Aug 28, 9:15am
Rods hmmmm I never saw rods being used.rods would probably be less horrific than what I saw.
Mind you in saying that animals are use to being held in a head crush and when it was stunned it wouldn't have known what hit it!

village.green, Aug 28, 9:23am
I watched a couple of sheep being homekilled a couple of monthsback, thought it would be good for my education being a meat eater. The homekill guy shot the animal in the head whilst it was eating from a bucket (using a silencer), then slit the throat. All over very quickly. I'm glad I saw it. Also it didn't seem to bother the other sheep awaiting his turn in the least seeing his mate being killed.

1buzemum, Aug 28, 9:30am
Na sheep are dumb we use to do 6 and the last one was none the wiser, we only to one beef at a time now couse you shoot one and the others realise it isn't a normal day.
we had a beef done last week, she was happy eating then next thing her legs buckled under her and she was done, had steak for tea tonight yum no need to marinade just a bit of salt and pepper and on the bbq

strebor1, Aug 28, 9:35am
Definitely Homekill any day. We grow our own meat, the meat is far superior to any I have ever bought, very tender and much more flavour. It is all over very quickly, extremely humane and no stress to the animal.Most times the animal has a heap of grass hanging out of its mouth, when it lies down and goes to sleep. Noone could ever say packing a mob of cows into a truck and travelling to the works is a humane end, that's for sure.

shop-a-holic, Aug 28, 10:16am
This thread belongs in Farming.

agave1, Aug 28, 8:23pm
People should know where their food comes from.I only hope it makes people think about where their eggs come from (battery or free-range), and their pork and bacon comes from (factory farmed or free-range).

frances1266, Aug 28, 8:46pm
Just become some have so called humane deaths I would imagine the majority dont.

dezzie, Aug 28, 9:12pm
frances, so what do you think happens! I know you are vegan and quite vocal about animal welfare.please tell us how you think homekill occurs in your "majority" of cases.
In my long experience, the animal is always shot first, if its beef its by the homekill guy, ,because most farmers don't have chillers big enough, or the knowledge of the correct cuts to do a beef animal properly.sheep and pigs are shot then their throats cut, personally I think its more humane than the works it is most definitely less stressful for the animal involved.

1buzemum, Aug 28, 10:02pm
You really have your head stuck up somewhere!
So do you really think someone doing homekill will stress their animal out before they kill it so they will end up with a whole freezer fill of tough meat, go back to vegan land and leave us normal people alone.

Regards to this topic belonging in farming.this idiot probably already got slamed in there

frances1266, Aug 29, 1:42am
I watched a sheep killed humanely once and it wasnt a nice experience.
I cant understand why brutality is normal and compassion isnt to some people.You cant be unaware of the torture that animals go through so some can have meat.You need to educate yourselves.

bedazzledjewels, Aug 29, 1:49am
Believe it or not, animals aren't humans! They don't rationalise like us - or some of us. Sheesh!
If animals weren't farmed but living wild do you think they'd be killed by other predators any more humanely than humans do!

purplegoanna, Aug 29, 2:11am
how is it torture when you hold a sock over a chickens head and theyre nice and calm and then you just whip its head of with an axe! its instant!

purplegoanna, Aug 29, 2:11am
why what did the sheep tell you!