Zester or grater?

calista, Aug 28, 6:08am
I have aways used a grater to get the peel off oranges or lemons, but am wondering if it is the most efficient.Does anyone have any strong opinions one way or the other! (Hate cleaning the grater).

nauru, Aug 28, 6:22am
nowadays I always use a zester to do this only because I like the shreds of peel rather than the fine peel which you get with a grater.It is also much easier to clean the zester .

hutchk, Aug 28, 6:26am
Get a Microplane. Best kitchen thing I ever purchased.

iriegirl, Aug 28, 6:27am
Zester here, also avoids the horrid pith!

kaddiew, Aug 28, 6:51am
Zester here too.No pith, lovely thin shreds, easy to use & just rinse it under the tap.

davidt4, Aug 28, 6:54am
Microplane.Wonderfully sharp and easy to clean.

babytears, Aug 28, 7:30am
Microplane here too. fabulous gadget

calista, Aug 28, 7:51am
Thanks for the responses.I googled microplanes and I think they;re a bit pricey for me at the moment.Maybe some heavy hints around Christmasmight be an idea.

rrrg, Aug 28, 7:54am
I vote microplane - they are great

rrrg, Aug 28, 7:55am
Moore Wilsons sell them 20.00

carlosjackal, Aug 28, 9:56am
Microplane zester all the way!

marcs, Aug 28, 10:11am
Microplane zester. You can also get a cuisipro brand which is cheaper and does the same thing. Don't buy cheap and nasty ones because that don't work as well.

calista, Aug 28, 10:46am
Wow, the ones that came up when I googled were all around $50 +. I think I may look in the shops and check out Moore Wilsons online.

Thanks for the opinions/

buzzy110, Aug 29, 12:38am
Since reading this thread when it first started I have been seeing zesters everywhere. The cheapest I have seen were on the counter of Spotlight by the till. They were less than $10. You could have bought three - each of a different size for less than $30.00. And they were pretty too with different coloured handles and just the right size.

pr_chch2, Aug 29, 1:13am
microplane - marvellous invention.

patsprat, Aug 29, 1:48am
Not exactly OT, but what do they use to get those lovely long thin"strings" of beetroot etc on top of salad in cafes!Please tell me there's a simple gadget to do this, not something that costs $$$.!

buzzy110, Aug 29, 5:17am
I meant micropanes.

firemansgirl, Aug 29, 5:17am
On a mandolin. but not Mr Corelli's mandolin LOL !

marcs, Aug 29, 10:36am

moggie57, Aug 29, 11:12am
a julieene slicer.i brought a fantastic one at w.end for $4.95.love it!

deus701, Aug 29, 2:41pm
I bought a microplane zester for $35, at a shop near a chef training school in auckland. Auckland Hotel Chef Training school or something.

I recommend one, its one of the items I just have to bring along when I travel.I find it abit therapeutic simply by zesting a lemon the 'violin way'.ie holding the microplane and running it across the lemon.

I also have a 8 sided grater for bigger objects like blocks of cheese. I also have a two end peeler (one is a normal peeler, the other is a julienne peeler). Its fantastic! Mine is made in japan, you can probably check out the local japan/asian shops if they have it. Mine cost $8-10

babytears, Aug 29, 7:11pm
Big sales at both Stevens and Farmers today - 30% off, you're sure to find one in either of those shops

duckmoon, Aug 29, 9:08pm
I have something which looks like a vegetable peeler, but rather than peeling, it jullennes