My very fussy niece cracked me up today

dibble35, Sep 1, 6:48am
We had a b'day party lunch and I made butter chicken kebabs(skewers) to take. They were really nice, anyway both my nieces (11 and 9)came into the lounge with the kebabs on their plates, and got stuck in, both commented on how yummy they were and i asked if they wanted the recipe. "yes please'. Fussy one was just about 3/4 way thru when her mum mentioned it was butter chicken flavoured. well you could see her face drop and then she struggled to finish last bit of chicken that she had been thouroughly enjoying 1 min before. I asked her what it was about butter chicken she didnt like. and everything she named wasn't in the recipe. All in the mind aye

fifie, Sep 1, 10:01am
Yep sure is, my theoryfor fussy eaters is dish the food up for them they will eat if they are hungry, why make extra work for yourself, ive 2 grandees like this and when with me they don't get choices,if they don't eat there is no snacking later either and don't have a problem.

coolnzmum, Sep 1, 10:17am
lol reminds me of my sister one Christmas.I made strawberries with pepper and balsamic vinegar.(sounds bad but is actually really nice).I had the strawberries sitting on the bench with just icing sugar as the pepper and vinegar is added immediately before serving.Anyway while they were sitting on the bench soaking up the icing sugar she tried one.She didn't actually have any once we added the pepper and vinegar as she had decided they were yuck. It was just the though that had put her off lol.I had to laugh when I asked her when she had tried them and I informed her she had only had strawberries and icing sugar lol.

289capri, Sep 1, 10:45pm
A friend who wont eat pork happily ate his way through some pork kebabs thinking they were chicken, I didn't have the heart to tell him, and his wife and I often have a laugh about it.Mind over matter indeed.

kuaka, Sep 1, 10:59pm
Well years ago when I was away sailing down the south island we were given some "groper" which I cooked, but I didn't like it.(Actually I suspect it wasn't very fresh but I cooked it anyway).Sailing back to Auckland we had extra crew on board and there was a discussion about fish and which fish we liked etc. I said "I didn't like that groper we were given, I'm not fussed on kingfish, and I don't like hapuka".Outburst of laughter.Well I didn't know groper and hapuka are the same thing, but at least I said I liked neither of them, not that I liked one and not the other.

sarahb5, Sep 1, 11:51pm
My mum, as a child, wouldn't eat lamb so my grandad just used to tell her it was beef.

kaddiew, Sep 2, 12:13am
I was never allowed to cook pork for the ex spouse because he was "allergic" to it, but he happily & knowingly consumed vast amounts of bacon and ham throughout those 34 years.

firemansgirl, Sep 2, 3:04am

kuaka, Sep 2, 3:42am
Which reminds me of my poor old first mil, who used to offer my vegetarian son ham or bacon, and when he would say "nan, I'm vegetarian" she would always say "yes but ham's not real meat is it!" (or bacon whichever she was trying to give him).

mothergoose_nz, Sep 3, 9:28am
i was happily eating ox tonge until someone told me what it was. ignorance is bliss