I have been given a Canadian Goose .

janzvanz, May 22, 8:54pm
and I feel a little out of my depths as to how to cook it for Dinner tonight.
It is already prepared and weighs about 2+Kgs.Are they tough!I'm
grateful for any help as I don't want to spoil such a fine looking bird.

lindylambchops1, May 22, 11:48pm
I would think long slow roasting, basting it throughout.Maybe use a large roasting bag.

Lucky you!
Poor goose!

janzvanz, May 23, 1:09am
Thanks lindylambchops1.I was thinking the same way and am making some stuffing at the mo.Yes! poor Goose.I feel sorry for it too.

beaker59, May 23, 1:21am
Don't feel too sorry for it, it had a better life than a Tegal Chicken. They are becoming pests in some areas so need to be thinned out. Personally I have never shot or eaten one so keen to hear what you think. I am lead to believe like many game meats its best either flash fried or long slow roast but tends to dry out so plenty of nice gravy or sauces.

pericles, May 23, 1:22am
put some fatty bacon on it, stops the drying

janzvanz, May 23, 2:55am
Thanks Folks . It's in the oven and looking good.I'll let you know how it turns out.

mothergoose_nz, May 23, 2:59am
they are turning into a pest. the longer necked birds eat further down in the water and there isnt anything for the ducks

razell, May 23, 7:22am
Google 'canada goose'(unless it is a goose that is actually from Canada - then it would be a 'canadian'goose)

Here's one site with plenty of choices:


janzvanz, May 23, 9:39pm
That Canadian Goose.
I didn't feel so bad munching the goose when I read that it is becoming a pest.We enjoyed eating it and all agreed that we would eat it again.The cooked meat looked like Beef but the texture was much finer, drier and had
a slight gamey taste.We decided it would be great with a Cranberry or Plum Sauce.It did look impressive prior to serving.It was a big bird with lots of meat on it.If I'm lucky enough to be given another one I will joint it and cook it in the Crockpot with a nice fruity Sauce.Thanks for your help and interest.

beaker59, May 24, 1:06am
sounds like a good result I will try one myself one day.

indy95, May 24, 1:13am
Janzvanz, how long did you cook it and at what temperature please !

lindylambchops1, May 24, 6:28am
MIL cooked a goose for Christmas one year, I loved it!I like your idea to joint it & cook in slow cooker with a fruity sauce!

BTW.glad you enjoyed it!

sultana0, May 24, 9:29am
Throw it in the air and shoot it again, if that doesnt work shoot it while its on the ground (min 5X) what evers left put in the bin, eat a pukeko

janzvanz, May 29, 4:31am
Sorry, I have been away from the computer for awhile.In regards to the cooking time for the Goose, I started at 160 cel. for 3 hours and thenturned it up to 170 for another hour + as it still looked way off being cooked.I covered the breast and legs with bacon and a bit of foil as I only had a small oven bag on hand.Would definetly use an oven bag.

Next day I decided to carve the remaining meat off the bone, take the skin off, cover it with the gravy and give it some time in the crockpot . and
it was absolutely so delicious, so tender and tasty . Next time, if I am ever so lucky to be given another goose, I would cook it in the crockpot,I was surprised at the amount of fat I got from the bird when I roasted it, so I would take the skin off the bird before I cooked it.It was so yum !

beaker59, May 29, 4:40am
Save the goose fat for your roast potatoes mmmmmmmmmmmmm yum