
lespat, May 28, 5:40am
Is there anywhere you can buy suet from these days! Want for doughboys (dumplings). Tried Palmy & Kapiti area.

dezzie, May 28, 6:07am
I've seen shreddo in the supermarket still, its not in a box anymore, its in like a square margerine container.

biggles45, May 28, 6:59am
Some butchers still have it, especially if you have a homekill butcher nearby.

lespat, May 29, 4:25am
dezzie, which department in the supermarket! Countdown or NW. I've tried all the butchers. They say the suet is usually removed before they get the carcass nowadays.

biggles45, May 29, 4:31am
I have seen it in NW and Countdown, it is somewhere you don't expect it to be, cant remember where exactly. Not in fridges, possibly in baking section! Might be different from store to store though, might be best to ask in store.!Stockcode=274954&name=shreddo-cooking-fat

lespat, May 29, 5:51am
I did ask at C/D Palmy biggles & guess what, both women had no idea what I was talking about.

gardie, May 29, 5:52am
Buy it now as Shreddo and it is generally with the oils somewhere.Very expensive these days too!

nauru, May 29, 6:59am
The Taste of the UK shop in Palmy sells it. 71 Milson Line, Milson Shopping Complex.

biggles45, May 29, 11:48pm
Ok, checked in countdown when I went shopping. Our local one has shreddo in the oils section, as well as a couple of other brands. If you can't find it ask staff for "shortening" and they will know what you mean.