Boil up

tigerflower, Jun 12, 8:42am
old fashioned i know but what do you put in yours.i used to use silver beet,now i just use puha.lots of it.

versace10, Jun 12, 8:46am
watercress and porkbones :-)

tigerflower, Jun 12, 9:16am
my current pot has 2 big ham hocks that have now disolved of bone.I added more meat.lambs hearts and kidneys,plus yes,watercress an tatoes.And it just keeps simmering away on the coal range.4th day.

nativewun, Jun 12, 9:20am
Watercress and porkbones here too, veges and doughboys. Got to have the real butter aswell, lol.

Tigerflower, do you mean you've been slow-cooking for 4 days!. Ohh that's dedication, it would've been plonked on the table to eat already, lol. Boil up the next day is the bestest.

tigerflower, Jun 12, 9:36am
doughboys.great idea.I have been eating from start.and adding to I guess its not a real boilup rather more of a slow simmer.but its fun and tastes heavonly.

beaker59, Jun 12, 10:39pm
Sounds like how its meant to be. Tell me though how do you process the Puha!

nativewun, Jun 12, 11:35pm
Pick all the flowers off, rinse and just throw it in the pot.

tigerflower, Jun 13, 12:40am
with puha I pick the nice bushy plants before they stalk up to much and go flowery.Then wash and into pot.

raewyn64, Jun 13, 1:04am
I have nver had boil-up. Can you expain a bit more about it - obviously it is a lot of yummy things in a pot but is it more a casserole or do you have a lot of liquid so almost a soup!

nativewun, Jun 13, 1:26am
It's more of a liquid/juices meal. Not soupy or casserole-ish texture. Need a huge pot first and foremost. In goes the meat of your choice (brisket,pork bones, bacon bones,chicken etc). Cover that with water and let it boil/simmer out.

When the meat is about half-way cooked, throw your veges in (potatoes, kumara, pumpkin, carrots etc). In the last 5-10 minutes, the leaves/greens goes in (watercress, puha, cabbage) and also the doughboys (just a basic scone mix).

And that's it. This is one of those meal where the timing is based on sizing of meat and veges to gauge your cooking time, but it's usually an hour+ all up. You can change the water (salty and fatty from meats) when you're ready to put your veges in, but you lose all the flavor. All optional, just throw whatever you want in and walk away, lol.

Gosh, getting hungry now, lol.

raewyn64, Jun 13, 2:04am
Thanks for that nativewun I might give it a try over the weekend. So the liquid is only water and then the flavours from the meat and veges!
Has this been done ina crockpot or is it a pot on the stove only dish!

nativewun, Jun 13, 3:21am
Lol at the last line raewyn. One of the best things about this meal, minimum dishes to clean afterwards, lol. Pot, peeler and knife, hehe. Just the one big pot on the element. Like a stock pot kind of thing. Probably can do in a crockpot, but I've never seen it done that way.

Yep, it's just plain old water (you can salt if you want). The flavor comes from the meat, veges and greens.

raewyn64, Jun 13, 4:43am
Thanks again.Yes I have a big stock pot so not a problem there :)
I see you mention pork bones - I picked up a couple of pork hocks the other week, would they work just as well do you think!

tigerflower, Jun 13, 6:29am
Im enjoying lamb hearts in mine.The texture of meat is almost like shanks.No salt in mine,or pepper.

Id say theres lotsa drooling going on at his thread.