Where to buy lemongrass?

anjaok, May 17, 7:21am
i've never seen it in supermarkets, apart from jarred. i'm in chch if that helps

geldof, May 17, 7:31am
Asian stores.
It's easy to grow, but maybe not down south.

beaker59, May 17, 8:21am
try your local vege shop granted the main ones near us are asian they usually have it. Having said that I do grow my own so rarely buy it.

kobec9, May 17, 8:40am
check the asian supermarkets in the freezer section,,,

4boofs, May 17, 8:47am
The guys from Broadfield Green usually have some fresh.Find them at the Chch Farmers Market on Saturday mornings plus I think they may do other markets too.

samanya, May 18, 3:29am
I've got it growing but in a glass house.

mattdylan, May 18, 3:42am
+1 for buying it frozen, takes no time to defrost in some warm water

sherrie, May 18, 5:34am
Buy your own plant from any garden centre.

samanya, May 18, 6:12am

fisher, May 18, 9:37am
samanya. same here.trying to get seeds to sprout in the glass house at the mo but been a dismal failure.My dog loves to come in to the glasshouse and have a wee munch on the lemon grass leaves. :}

samanya, May 18, 10:48pm
I bought my plant (from Mitre10, I think)it was a reasonable size, in fact when I was having a rearrange in the glass house, I split the lemon grass into 3.
I thought they were frost tender but apparently not . well to -2,but the required humidity I can't manage outside.