These were to die for mmmmmmmmm help.

jaybee6, Mar 9, 5:21am
Today I had a custard square and it was like eating something from heaven.All I was told it had sour cream in it.Now I am not sure if that would be in the custard or base.Help I need this receipe.I am dreaming of eating more lol.

245sam, Mar 9, 5:54am
jaybee6, my guess would be that the sour cream was in the custard - maybe as a variation on this recipe which was originally posted by graebalz

"Custard Squares similar to denheaths
In a pot heat slowly 1 1/2c of milk, 1 1/2c cream and 100g of butter. Whisk together in a bowl, 4 heaped Tblsp of cornflour, 3 dsp icing sugar, 2 eggs, 1 capful of vanilla ess. & 1 cup of cream. When first measure of milk and butter has melted pour in the remaining mixture and bring to the boil very slowly whisking frequently. Into this mixture I add half a tub of cream cheese. Frequent whisking mixes the cream cheese so there are no lumps, cook until the custard is thick – cool for about an hour. Cook 2 sheets of (pricked with a fork all over) pre rolled pastry – as I said I will now use sweet crust pastry. Cook as per instructions on back of packet. When pastry is cooled I cut it to fit my square Tupperware container, put one layer of pastry in container pour over custard, pop other pastry layer on top and ice with normal icing and sprinkle with coconut. It does take time but the slaving over the stove is worth it! Hope you enjoy as much as we do! I do wonder if beating the custard with the cake mixer while it is cooling would make it fluffier!

Quotepam.delilah (615 )8:08 pm, Sun 8 Nov #4 ":-))

kassie48, Mar 9, 5:55am

jaybee6, Mar 11, 3:10am
Well with a lot of searching and trying out a couple of receipies I have finally found the one I am looking for and it is to die for.Yum made them today.Divine.Best custard ever.

weka8, Mar 11, 4:10am
Well, tell us.

charli, Mar 11, 4:42am
LOLl how about posting the recipe - thats so funny telling us you made them they were devine and leaving us hanging :)

jaybee6, Mar 11, 5:50am
1/2 tsp vanilla extract.
1 Cup sour cream.
1 egg yolk
1tbsp cornflour
2tbsp sugar.
Mix sugar and corn flour tog. and add egg yolk then stir in sour cream.
Cook this in a double boiler until it coats the spoon.Add flav. Stir well.

Put this over your fav pastry for custard squares.It is truely devine.
This quantity above is not a lot so you would have to double or tripple depending on how thick you want it between your pastry.It is light creamy and just beautiful to eat.

charli, Mar 11, 9:39am
Thanks Jaybee6

destiny6nz, Mar 11, 9:54am
when you say add flav do you mean vanilla essence

jaybee6, Mar 12, 2:12am
Yes falavouring = Vanilla essence.Cheers.Aso ice with white icing and I put a dribble of passion fruit topping and long strands of coconut.Yummmm.