Laurel berry

miffycat1, Mar 10, 8:11am
Can you make jam out of Laurel berries!

makespacenow, Mar 10, 8:45am
Will post the recipe tommorrow when i am on a pc.

makespacenow, Mar 10, 5:58pm
Now I remember grandma making jam and wine with them, also steeping them in vodka. Leaves were used to make teas (to treat pancreas).
But can't find the recipes for all those.also recall she said you got to know what you are doing as they are poisonous - the seeds I think.

I asked my mum she has not made it in 30 or so years but said:
Put the prepared berries into a pot/preserving pan after weighing them cover with water and cook (lid on) until soft. pass through a sieve (discard the seeds). Allow 3/4 of pound of sugar for every pound of fruit, add sugar when fruit is cooked and bring to boil rapidly (without the lid) until you reach the jam consistency (keep stirring so you don't burn it).

But please do not attempt the above on based on my advice alone, research it a bit more. as I am not sure of the level of toxicity in them, back home some say the toxicity goes away by cooking . I have not made any of the things myself but old people used to use them (never raw though).

miffycat1, Mar 11, 9:30pm
Does anyone know more about the toxicity issue !
Have a very large old tree with lots of berries that I do not want to waste.
Thanks to makespacenow.

davidt4, Mar 11, 9:40pm
The bay laurel (Laurus nobilis) is not poisonous and the fruits are used in folk-medicine.Other laurels are poisonous, so make sure you have identified your tree correctly.

willyow, Mar 12, 7:17am
Why am I not surpised davidt4 is an expert on poison

miffycat1, Mar 13, 7:49am
What about Laurel Berry sauce or chutney ! Has any bodymade or gotthoughts about this ! Would it be possible !