Genuine wasabi

zuggle, Mar 14, 10:55pm
Now that I'm on a roll (sorry, couldn't help that) making delectable sushi, with Japanese soy for dipping, and pickled ginger to refresh the palate inbetween, I'd like to do the wasabi properly - is prepared wasabi in a green tube by S&B, made in Tokyo, the authentic thing or where may I buy it please! I love wasabi!

richard198, Mar 14, 11:35pm
No. The real Wasabi by S&B has no English writing on the tube (with a darker green top) and is a pale green by comparison to the horseradish version. (And smells and tastes totally different!)

winnie231, Mar 15, 12:02am
This is the real deal . and grown right here in New Zealand :)

zuggle, Mar 15, 2:45am
Thank you, richard198, I was hoping to get a reply from you and thank you winnie231, I have just ordered their 55gm jar at $16 (shipping included). Brilliant!

winnie231, Mar 15, 7:58am
Good for you zuggle - you won't regret it :)
The flavour is a-maz-ing! You'll never want to use the tired stuff in a tube ever again.

deus701, Mar 15, 8:06am
thats the one. Pure wasabi is white, the wasabi that people think of is actually horseradish.

zuggle, Mar 17, 4:38am
MY GOODNESS! The real wasabi has arrived, Richard and Winnie and I am born again! For the others who don't know:

The authentic wasabi I received by courier today is a far cry (in taste and colour) from the wasabi we buy in the green tube, even the one made in Tokyo. That is all horseradish coloured green. This real wasabi, grown by a company in Christchurch, has an earthy taste (truffles/mushroom!), is a taupe colour and has more zing yet without the sinus-hit! It's subtle and true Japanese, not Japanese producing for Western taste.

A brilliant recommendation from the two people above. Thank you. Delivery was VERY fast, $16a 55gm jar all shipping included! and lovely package presentation.

winnie231, Mar 17, 4:50am
Not quite sure where Richard recommended Coppers Folly Wasabi but I'm happy that you have received your jar & love their product :)
Your reaction is very similar to others who try it for the first time . like I said "you'll never want to use the tired stuff in a tube ever again."

zuggle, Mar 17, 5:13am
Oh quite so, just noticed, but he did get me thinking I must quit the false stuff, then you followed up on that with the recommendation - just to set the record straight. I'm humming!

winnie231, Mar 17, 5:19am
IT's good stuff alright :) And can still cause a good sinus clearing if you really want lol!

zuggle, Mar 17, 5:22am
Never thought I'd hear this come from the mouth of an Englishman (must be his adventurous Spanish side talking): "Mmmm, I reckon that would go good on corn beef."

dippychik, Mar 17, 5:22am
I love Coppers Folly wasabi too - never without it in my fridge. Though interesting to note during my time in Japan I came across a lot more of the "green wasabi" than anything similar to coppers folly - and thats travelling and living in the real Japan, not just tourist areas.

winnie231, Mar 17, 5:27am
Maybe they need to start exporting to Japan!

korbo, Mar 17, 5:55am
Zuggle, If Mr Z says good on cornbeef, i guess roast beef would benice. simply cannot have roast beef without horseradish, so think I have to order a jar.

auckland63, Mar 17, 6:20am
We do.

korbo, Mar 17, 7:48am
check out copperfollys web-uli.

winnie231, Mar 17, 9:39am
No mix up Uli . it's grown right here in Canterbury - support local business & treat yourself to a jar :)

Korbo - you won't regret it either!

And no - I have no affiliation with the company what-so-ever! I simply discovered an amazing kiwi product & love to tell others about it :D

elliehen, Mar 17, 9:48am
Thanks for that link winnie :)

A quote from their website:

" ‘Pure Wasabi’ is an exciting new herb which is grown in New Zealand.

Wasabi is a delicious condiment that goes well with steak, ham, chicken, lamb, sushi and all manner of fish and seafood.

It can also be used like mustard in sandwich fillings and crackers.

This wasabi is spray free and is not mixed with horseradish, synthetic flavourings or colours.

Research done at Lincoln University (NZ) has found that wasabi has many health and dietary benefits which probably accounts for it being so highly prized by the ancient Japanese.

Wasabi is rapidly becoming very popular with chefs world-wide, as it is versatile and can be added to anything from Bluff oyster cocktails to ice cream or chocolate dessert!

Production of ‘Pure Wasabi’ commenced in 2003 and is growing in popularity. Never heard of it before! well now you have! To the best of our research world-wide, it is the only wasabi paste made using real wasabi with no artificial additives or fillers.

Don't misjudge wasabi until you've tried the real ‘Pure Wasabi’. A truly unique and refreshing taste."

zuggle, Mar 17, 6:32pm
I have a heart condition and so was very happy to read of all its health benefits, particularly in, but not limited to, the cardiac area. Even had the slightest smidgeon spread across a slice of Turkish bread for supper last night - delicious! I have no affiliation with copperfolly either (just discovered them) but will be singing their praises too. Am even going to take their pamphlet to local sushi bar and discuss with Japanese owner there. brave I know, but we get on well as my daughter married a Japanese man and I speak a little which he appreciates.

davidt4, Mar 17, 9:39pm
This looks more like the real thing.!view=4&i=16&navicat=null&navisubcat=6&naviprod=16

I have tried a locally made wasabi paste (I can't remember the brand) which, like the Copper's Folly paste, was mixed with oil and lemon, and it had very little flavour.I assumed at the time that it was simply stale.

elliehen, Mar 17, 10:41pm
Wasabi in mashed potato.yum!