Where can I buy mightymite in NZ?

aw217, Mar 20, 9:40am
I want to try mightymite (australia) as it is gluten free and perhaps nicer that the other gluten free / vegemite spreads. But I cant find where to buy it! Has anyone seen it!

taurushat, Mar 20, 10:43am
I love Mightymite, better then vegemite, I have a jar in my pantry.I'm in Oz and buy it all the time.I suggest you email the manufacturer and ask them.

aw217, Mar 20, 6:51pm
Thanks for that, it looks like I will have to do that because I just cant find it anywhere in NZ!

sarahb5, Mar 21, 12:21am
Our Mate is also gluten free and much, much lower in sugar than Marmite or Vegemite as well as having twice the amount of protein as Marmite - it's the UK version of Marmite so if you can't find Mightymite you could try that as a gluten free alternative


elliehen, Mar 21, 12:26am
I was just playing around with the pronunciation of Marmite and it really does sound like the Aussie pronunciation of 'my mate' :)

lily23, Mar 21, 4:21am
Hastings New World had quite a few of the smaller jars at about 3 30 today

very_hotpants, Mar 21, 4:33am
Of the Mighty mite or Marmite!
Loads of shops still have Marmite

aw217, Mar 21, 7:50am
Thanks for the info about the 'our mate' we have that one and its not our favorite so I was hoping to try the mighty mite. I did contact the makers today and they said
"The Mighty Mite is in the country now. It arrived last week - was late because of the delay and problems at the Ports of Auckland." she will get back to me to let me know the nearest shop to Howick that will be selling it. So I'll keep my fingers crossed!
Thanks everyone.

taurushat, Mar 21, 8:07am
Hey thats fantastic aw217

donna_jo29, Mar 21, 8:24am
when i have marmite or vegemite, it takes me years to finish them i wait untill they get mould in it.