cleaning gem irons

raewyn64, Apr 9, 8:34pm
I have just got a couple of gem irons from my mum - the heavy ones (the irons not my mum! ).
They are just a bit dirty from years in the cupboard - how is the best way to clean them? Can I wash them in the sink with water and dishwashing liquid or should they only be wiped over like woks etc?

Thanks very much

virea, Apr 9, 8:40pm
I would give them a good wash then rub some oil onto them to stop them rusting. Maybe put them in a hot oven for a little

raewyn64, Apr 9, 8:45pm
Thanks for that. I want to use them later today to make some ginger gems but need to clean them up first - so to the sink for them.

kerrylee1, Apr 9, 9:06pm
think from memory mum used to put vinagar and water in hers and boil on the ole cold range! ! ! ! ! then oil then.

raewyn64, Apr 9, 11:15pm
well I have been cleaning them but it looks like they have a layer of rust on the surface. I washed them in soapy water first themn tried some degergent and boiling water in each mould then sprinkled baking soda over them all. Then i oiled one and the paper towel came away all brown so I guess it must be a rust layer. Any suggestions on that - maybe I have to get the steel wool on them?

bin-boy-lin, Apr 9, 11:35pm
Get them sandblasted first it costs very little and then keep them oiled after that. Sandblasting will bring them up like new.

cookessentials, Apr 9, 11:58pm
if they have a layer of rust, this can be removed with a steel wool, then scrubbed well and oiled.

raewyn64, Apr 10, 12:00am
Thanks for that.
I have just given them a good scrub with a steel wool and it certainly has made a difference. They are fiddly little shapes though to get into :)

margyr, Apr 10, 12:16am
the first lot you make in it will probably stick now you have cleaned them, make sure you give them a really good greasing, and when you have finished your baking, just remove any cake batter and grease and then i keep mine in the hot water cupboard, wrap them in either some newspaper or an old tea towel.

raewyn64, Apr 10, 12:55am
margyr - do you wash them after use or just wipe them out with a cloth/paper towel before greasing and storing somewhere dry?

margyr, Apr 10, 4:36am
just wipe out, and then grease for storage.

guest, Aug 29, 2:06am
awesome, 1 year on and i have just aquired a gem iron covered in rust, great to get some advice!